Input needed badly...
Hi Lynda!
Yep...I'm due on or around 11/11/05 (about 4 1/2 weeks along).
Usually in the evenings is the best time to call...I'm on the Internet (with dial-up access) too much otherwise.
Any of those dates work for me really...where would be a good place to meet...I don't live real close to Anamosa.

I can drive up to see you after my visit with Robert i will just go home a different way. You are 70 miles from him so wont take me long to get there. I will email you I am thinking of spending the nite somewhere the 24th with my kids. It dont look like you are to far from cedar falls and waterloo. Is your phone ever not busy??????? I have tried to call the last two evenings and it is busy....i sent you an email to your address i have to see if i got the right phone number. I will call you tonite after i get home from class.....let me know if it will be ok. I wont get home till after 8 p.m.
Something that you might want to try is Ensure or something of that nature to get the extra calories. My OB really didn't have me increase my calories that much but remember every Dr. is different. I know to help get my protein in sometimes which the baby needs especially after 4 months, I drink the low carb slim fast shakes. They have 20 grams of protein and very low in sugars. I know what you mean about the carbs. That was the hardest thing that I had to add to my diet, but the babe needs it, so I figure that I can handle for the short term. I started with a slice of toast and if I have a sandwhich I just use 1 slice of bread. some mornings I do have 2 slices of raisin cinn. toast. They are much smaller than the regular slices of bread and seem to be ok. I can totally relate to you about eating all of the time. Once the baby gets bigger I noticed that the baby has been pushing up on my pouch and I am not able to take in what I was able to at the being of the pregnancy so I have had to eat smaller meals and more often. If you have any questions please feel free to email me and I would be more than happy to share with you what I have gone through. I know when I was first pregnant I had lots of questions, but really no one around that has gone through it post gastric bypass.
Take care,
Before my surgery I was putting on weight drinking the slim fast shakes. So I don't know what the calorie count is etc... But I did not lose weight while I was drinking them. I do know that on our dieticians paper that to consult with our dr before drinking slim fast. Otherwise could you up your protein shakes to three times a day? Or something on that order??? Right now anything doing with food is ick! I have the stomach flu along with 2 of my kids. But maybe if you increased the carb aspect and snacked inbetween meals with healthy items such as soy nuts, fruit, beef jerky etc.... I hope you figure something out.

don't want to scare you, but if I were you I would DEMAND they check your progesterone levels. If they are not high enough by the 5-6week mark your body will not be able to develop a placenta suitable to sustain the life you are carrying. My levels were too low, and not caught soon enough and I lost my baby 3 weeks ago at approximately 8weeks pregnant. It is recommended to have progesterone suppositories from as early as the 3rd week pregnant...and don't count on your dr having done a progesterone test...I was told it is not a common test performed unless there is PRIOR history of low progesterone...which you usually only know because of miscarriage!