3/7 Roll call
Good morning everyone! Sorry that this is not posted sooner - I'm not at school again. I was up during the night with a sick toddler - darned fever and respiratory stuff!!! He's going to the doctor along with my 18 year old this afternoon. Hubby couldn't take them because he worked all night.
If you set goals, how did you do on them last week? I stink!! I mean at working on my goals! I ate in the living room almost every night and did not tell myself no to snacking. I don't really need a snack in the morning, but usually have one on the way to the gym and then at night, the demons set in and I eat all night. HELP!!!!! What should I do? Hubby has even noticed it. I'm so scared because those old habits won't go away and are coming at me left and right. I think that going to the gym has been my only saving grace. I have to get ahold of this AND NOW!! I see the dietician again the end of this month and want to be able to say that I have control. Hubby suggested that I go to protein drinks only for a couple of days. He doesn't realize how hard that is going to be on me, but I will do what I need to do to get control. Please give me some ideas!
Wow - what a list. I'm certainly going to need help to get through this week. I'll lean on my hubby, but also try to be on here and corresponding with friends because you all know what I am going through.
Sorry that so far my post has been so depressing. Now for a little off topic stuff - what have you done for fun lately? I shopped with Jesi a while ago, and that was a blast. I think that I need to cut loose and have some good family fun tonight - wrestling on the floor, reading books, just good clean fun.
Now, do you have goals to set? If not, just check in and let us know how you are doing. Have a blessed week, everyone.
God bless,
Hello Andrea, and everybody
I'm going to keep this post a happier one.
I went to the doctor last Friday with my migraines. Nothing. The doctor just gave me samples of pills to try to get rid of them. I am now taking Lexapro for an antidepressant, I sure hope it will work.
Talked to a gal that has been working to get my benefits back. And she told me that the state took me off of them illegal. So we are hoping and praying that we get benefits back, (she says I definitely will).
1) Yes, I need to update my picture, - gotta get someone to take a picture of me.
2) walk more
3) Study a little bit better (I'm not doing too well with my Excel - Spreadsheet class - even though the teacher gave me an A- for mid-term grade, which I don't deserve, but I'll keep my mouth shut for now)
I bought some steaks yesterday for Mom and Dad. Got home, Dad is telling me that they have to eat pizza, (there were 3 different kinds of leftover pizza in the refrigerator). I said, keep them for the kids tomorrow, it's a nice day to grill out. So we grilled out. I'm glad we did. Because boy, is it cold today!
I got scared last night. I'm still scared of thunderstorms, I had to get my teddy bear out and sleep with it last night. And how old am I? On April 22, I'll be 30.
Andrea--where's Long Grove at? If I may ask?
Take Care and have a great week!
Love ya
Lisa Young
Glad that things are looking up with the meds and insurance. Keep on it - things will work out!
Would love to grill out - even got the grill on the porch ready to go - but too cold again. I want it to be 60 something degrees again!!! I'm still a little scared to eat steak because I like it well done and then it gets tough. I guess that I need to learn how to cook it better or eat it a little less done.
Thunderstorms - huh? We didn't have any here. I finally retired my stuffed dog, Homer, that I used to sleep with when my hubby and I had been together about 10 years. Hubby had had enough of sharing the bed with a stuffed animal!
Do you know where Davenport is? Long Grove is about 12 miles north of there on highway 61. Not too hard to find.
Hope you have a great week!
God bless,
I just got back from my first post tummy tuck doctor's appointment. All is going well. He removed the bandages but left the drains in place until Thursday. Can't wait til they are gone. I'm surprised how tired I am so probably will take a nap soon.
I can't remember my goals for this week except to survive surgery & I did accomplish that! It's been difficult to stay away from snacking but I've done pretty good.
My goal for this week is to continue to stay away from snacking & to start walking to get some exercise. Oh, & since I am no longer taking pain meds, my goal is to get over this blasted constipation!
So glad that things are going well for you. I bet those drains are a pain in the pattootie!!! Give yourself time to heal, girl! There may be less of you, but you have gone through another major surgery and need healing time and lots of rest. Probably is hard to rest now that you are skinny and not used to being inactive. I know it would be hard for me to not go to the gym and do things like that. By the way - we are SO glad that you accomplished your goal last week!
Keep up with the good eating and don't overdo it when you begin to walk.
God bless,

Big hugs Andrea. Seems like there are days it's so hard to control myself with snacking also. I did hit 179 only to bounce up to 181 again! Head hunger seems to set in which hasn't been a big struggle for me but seems to sneak up once in a while, seems like at bedtime.
My fun? Well I also went shopping!!! Size 14 jeans & size 7 panties!!! That's down from 30/32 jeans & 13 panties.....celebration time!
Goals are:
walk some more
be at 175 or less by April 20th as that's my 1 yr anniversary
quit snacking
get busy & get these sewing projects going!
Have a good week

Thanks for the hugs - I need it! I have done well this week with not snacking - since Monday - because I am using Jesi like a support person for an addiction - which is what I have, obviously! Head hunger - bedtime - yep, that's me.
Good job on the 170's. Don't discourage, because it will only be a matter of time before you are back there again. Wow - huge change in those sizes!!! That feels darn good, doesn't it?
Good luck on all of your goals!~
God bless,
HMMMM.....since we talked for an hour yesterday.....you KNOW my struggles! This week~ No snacking.....More exercise.....More water! The farther out we get the harder it seems to be getting.......the support from here is awesome.....I have a wonderful support with hubby and folks, but it is nothing like the support I get here.....You all know what we go thru.....they don't deal with guilt from eating, and head hunger and guilt from that......they don't relize the HUGE step we took in having this surgery only to feel like we could screw this up BIG TIME if we don't keep honest and in check with what we are supposed to do.........WOW that was the biggest run-on sentence I have ever came up with!!! I am going to start journaling everything.....foods, thoughts, times I wanna feed, you name it......see if that helps!
Fun stuff......well of course shopping with you was a blast....need to do it again VERY soon! And lately walking outside with family.....Sat and Sunday we had a lot of fun going on family walks......first around our whole neighborhood then on the riverwalk! Then of course now it is freezing again!!! I cannot wait for it to warm up for good!
Take Care

Yep - talked for an hour, then again then saw you last night - just can't get enough of you!!! Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for being my support person during this time of struggle!!! Now, if we could only figure out why we have these addictions!!! Why can't we be addicted to something like cleaning, reading or even better - SEX (with hubbies only, of course!) I don't think I would need to see a counselor for that~!
Let me know how the journaling goes. I have a food log that I could send to you if you need one. I haven't written things down the past couple of days because I know I am eating within my limits.
Here's a dumb thing I did - help me analyze this one. Didn't have a single snack last night but my freebie popsicles. Then went to bed and had a good time with hubby. When we got up, he said he needed a cig and I asked if that justified a cracker and peanut butter - (no bananas left, you know). So, got up and ate 3 saltines with low carb peanut butter and about half of one of those cheese crisps that I had made. WHY??? Was I rewarding myself for having nookie? How dumb is that - the act of intimacy is rewarding itself - believe me!!! So, what was I doing eating??? Maybe it was cuz I don't smoke anymore. I don't know, need to ask the psychologist about this one!!!
Got a new idea for shopping - will e-mail you about it and need to do some more research into it. With my hectic life, I have a hard time cutting loose and having fun. Need to work on that one!!!
Well, work hard on those goals and remember that I'm here for you!!!
God bless and lots of hugs!!
P.S. I love my new coffee mugs!!!!!!