My First Meeting with Dr McBride is Tomorrow,Im so excited & scared...
Im scared title 19 wont pay for it,But hey I will cross that brigde when it comes,So everyone please wish me luck
Thank Janelle
Good Luck!!! I will keep all my toes and fingers crossed......LOL!!! Remeber it sometimes can be a really long bumpy journey....but stick with it and it will be WAY worth it in the end Take Care and make sure to give us an update! Jesi
Janelle, I will keep fingers and toes crossed for you tomorrow. I hope the meeting goes very smooth. I had surgery 9/16/03, here in CB and
Medicaid (Medically Needy) paid for it with no problems for me. I wish you the best. Nut
Thanks for the confidence, I did meet with DR Mcbride today, She is SO AWSOME!!!! I also found out we share the same birthday, Anyway She sent in my paper work im going to have the RNY(LAP) So now we just wait....
Wish me Luck
Glad that your appointment went well and that you like your doctor. That's really important. Just wanted to wish you luck in getting approval. I'll lift it up in prayer.
God bless,