Hi Kim!
Yes, I am...I just found out this morning!
I can't get into see a high-risk OB/GYN specialist until Monday afternoon...but, right now we are guessing that I am about 3-4 weeks along and probably due around November 17th, give or take a week.
My full name is Sherry; but, I do like that name!

Thank you, Kim!
I have Joshua, who is five and I lost a set of twins when he was 6 1/2 months old (ectopic pregnancy)...I was really doubtful that I would even be able to become pregnant again (I was told that I would never have children at all; but, then I was blessed with Joshua
). Me on roller skates...I would definitely end up in the river...I suck at it!
I'm not working now; so, any hours that are convenient for you would work for me...though, weekends WOULD be more convenient with DH being able to take care of Joshua.
I will definitely keep your daughter in mind...good babysitters are hard to come by around here.

Hi Sheila!
Not out of line at all, Honey!
I had even thought of that myself (Courtney Ann...for my niece and my Mom...both of their middle names)...I just don't know how my sister would take it...she is still in a very deep depression over her death.
I AM going to ask her how she would feel about it...when I DO tell the rest of the family, that is.
Thank you so much...and, I am honored that you would think of such a heart-felt response!
HUGE (((Hugs)))

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, Sherry!!!!! I'm envious! I think that we are going to try again this summr - gotta time it just right for the school year - anyway - that's if it's God's will. Obviously, it's your turn to be blessed right now. I bet you're just beautiful with that pregnancy glow!!!
About names - I'm into biblical names - my little one is Micah Day - Micah after the old testament prophet - and Day after my grandfather. Hope that you have some good ideas on here!
Congrats again!!
God bless,
Congrats Sherry
My daughter's given name is Katelyn Arlene, Arlene after my mom. I'm so glad I named her after mom as she passed a couple of years later. As for your sis big hugs for her but what an honor to keep your mom's name as a traditional name. For years I had Jennifer Elizabeth (after my best friend) picked out. Happens that Jennifer was also a fave name of both my brother's
I lost the name to my brother's daughter!!! Kind of a contest when one of us gals showed up pg.
Courtney is my granddaughter's name has my approval
I use to sit at work & start writing down names, scratching names adding more. The Lyn part of Katie's name is for myself, lol no conceit in my family I got it all! Do you like old fashion names or modern? My great-grans name was Anna Jeanette...just an idea kind of using your mom's name also.
Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers.