No More Phospho soda Dr. G patients!
I was at my 1 year check up today and Dr. G was talking in the office to Lynn that no more phospho soda but the first time he finds chunks of food he'll go back to it. I think my mouth hit the floor I didn't think it was fair we all had to do the fabulous drink and now the new ones don't. Oh well it just gave me the appreciation of how something can taste so sh---y!
So congrats on all you new patients! your pretty darn lucky!
Now if he would end the 2 weeks of liqiuds! I, personally, am very happy for the patients who won't have to go through the cleansing. I always wondered why some surgeons required it & others didin't.
I guess we can become like the older generations who talk about walking to school in 3 " deep snow. Instead we can say, "In my time, we had to drink that nasty stuff first.You have it easy!"