I went to my first seminar at Sartori in December. I got my testing done really quickly, I thought, and got approved by my insrance on Jan 21st, just a little over a month since the seminar, which I thought was pretty fast. The frustrating part is I have been waiting over a month for financial to review my records and give me my estimate so they could schedule me for surgery. I really wanted it to happen in March due to work conflicts and now I don't think it will be possible. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel like I worked so hard to get my part done and now I've hit a roadblock. Has anyone else had this problem? I've contacted them a few times and they don't reallly have any reason for the delay. Their paperwork says it would take just a few weeks to schedule. Wish me luck!
Whoa! That's not cool at all! I am in the same process, although you're further than I am. What does the financial department have to look over? I thought that you had to pay 80% of your Max Out of pocket and it was a done deal....? this really worries me because I lose my chance to have surgery at the beginning of May. My husband's employer, McLeod, won't pay for it anymore (BCBS Alliance Select). I have my first appt on Thursday with Angela. I have most of my testing done and insurance will take approx a week (according to BCBS) if I have everything...which I do and then some.
I'm in Marion, too. I went to the seminar on the 15th of this month though. I would call and call and call until you're blue in the face. There's no way that I'd let the finance department hold this up anymore!! Good luck and keep me posted as it looks like I'll be running into the same problems!!!
What they are researching is to make sure you don't have any debt with the covenant health system. If you do then you have to pay any past bills. You will pay your copayment at your final consultation just prior to your surgery. It just takes them a little while to dig around and trust me they dig. I had a bill from back in 1992 and I was on title at that time I didn't know I even owed them anything. I have had procedures and I even worked for them as a nurse and it took this surgery to find this. WE had even asked when we were wrapping up some hospital bills a couple of years ago and they said we didn't owe anything so I was very surprised!So they do dig. But I took care of it I proved that i was on title at that time and we negotiated a price. I was ok with that. So don't worry as long as you have your paper that states your insurance approved you you'll be ok. Didn't mean to get you worried. It goes fast after you get the ok from the finacial person. Smile it will be alright. Kim
Thanks everyone for your help. I just don't understand why it's taking so long when I haven't been hospitalized since I was eight and have never used the Covenant System before. I'm single and have good credit, so I didn't think it would take this long. Well, at least it's comforting to know they are thorough in all areas of their work. Thanks again.
I talked to John today in financial and he hasn't even looked at my paperwork yet. I just want to cry or scream, i can't decide which. I wish he would've lied and said almost anything else other than "I haven't looked at it yet". I feel like my whole life is on hold, my boss needs to know when I'm going to be gone, I have a conference coming up, it's maddening. Okay, enough whining. I'm a lot further along than many people and I have the approval so I just need to chill, right? Everyone at Dr. G's office has been great with me, I just need to learn patience. I'll keep you posted!