3 months Post-Op
Hi all,
Well I am pretty happy these days. I did make my goal of 50 lb loss at 3 months. I was pleasantly surprised whan I stepped on the scale. Had my first series of blood tests checking for nutrition deficiency. All came back in normal ranges. My doctor told me I was doing everything right, and he joked that he was going to put a star on my chart for doing so well. He said to continue as is and that I would not have to come back to the office until it is time for a 12 month check-up as long as my blood tests keep coming back good thru-out the year. OH JOY! Not that I don't like to visit with my doctor but it is a long drive and I have to take a whole day off work to go and see him. He said that I was also ahead on my weight loss. Normally the average loss of xcess weight at this stage in the game is anywhere from 25 to 30 %. I am at 33%.
I took a 3 month post op photo, but I gotta tell you, I don't see that much of a difference. Maybe I look a bit more "smoother"? I would'nt exactly call myself photogenic anyway. I am debating about whether or not to post it. I am thinking that maybe I will get another taken this week and see how that turns out. The lesser of the two evils will get sent in.
Anyhoo, this was just an update. Hope this finds everyone well....
God Bless!
Oh yeah, Almost forgot.... my cholestral (sp?) went down too! Last May I had it checked and it was at 175, now it is at 121. Isn't that amazing? This surgery has truly changed my life!

Congrats on reaching your 3 month goal and check up. Sounds like you are doing really well. I'm sure your picture shows the weight loss but we can never seem to see it ourselves. We are too use to being hard on ourselves and dont see what others do. Take care and keep up the good work. PS: You looked pretty photogenic before your surgery so I'm sure your new pic is just fine.
Yeah, You are probly right. Maybe I expected the pix to show a dramatic change because I see the changes as dramatic everywhere else. My clothes, my mood, the scales all tell me "YOU HAVE LOST 50 Lbs"!!!!! I guess my recent pic doesn't say that to me. And Thank You... I like my pre-op photo too. It is one of my better ones, I will get a recent photo posted soon.

Glad to hear you had a good check up
I too was amazed at my cholesterol differnence! Yours was actually pretty darn good to start, my was almost 300
I am glad you made your mini goal too
You are a brave woman...I didn't want to be dissapointed in myslef so I never made weight/time goals.....my goals were be below my brother...husband.....this amount...this amount...blah blah blah!!! But you made a hard goal and made it
Well congrats again and Take Care

Hey Jesi,
How ya doing??? Thanks for the congrats-they are always welcome and appreciated. To be honest, I did have another goal at 3 months that I didn't meet. and I admit I am a little disappointed. It has been years since I have been able to wear my wedding ring, and I was hoping to be wearing it comfortably by now. It is still too tight...
I can get it on my finger but it is by no means comfortable. My husband has always threatened to go in and resize it so that I could wear it again and I always told him not to because it gave me a reason (albeit small) to loose the weight. I will be wearing it soon though....
Take Care...

Morning Sherri,
First of all congrats on your weight loss 

You are doing fantastic. Take a look at your driver's license, can you see a difference? I couldn't tell either til I looked at mine. I agree surgery changes your life in more ways than one! My cholestrol is also down just a pinch away from throwing out those blasted pills. Just had my blood work done also & things look great. It's amazing! Keep up the good work.

Hey Carolyn,
OK I did what you said and I looked at my driver's license--you are right, I can see a difference. My face doesn't look as round, and my *****s) (hee hee) is smaller. I am still nowhere near what it says my weight is though...
LOL! I did end up submitting another photo today for my profile.
My mom takes meds for her cholestrol too and she flipped when I told her what mine was. She was so happy! She told me that when she was my age it was never that good. She told me that the surgery was worth it for that alone. Five years ago she had a double bypass and is one of the many reasons I decided to get WLS. Scared...a little, but for me facing double bypass in another 10-15 years was downright terrifying. My mother has lost a brother and her mother to sudden massive heart attacks, both in their mid 50's. I knew that more than likely if I did not do something I would probly be traveling the same road. Another affirmation that I absolutely made the right choice in having this surgery.
God Bless!