Afraid I am streching my stomach!
Hi to everyone!!
I am about four weeks out. YES and feeling good!!!
I am trying to get my water and protein. I am scared that I am stretching my stomach!!!!
It seems like I am drinking a lot and my stomach feels fine. How long does it take most of you to drink 8 oz.? How many oz. of food should I be able to eat per day at 4 weeks?? Thanks for the help!!!
Congratulations on your surgery & for doing so well!
We all worried about stretching out our stomachs at some point. You probably are not if you are following your doctor's instructions. I used to take 3 swallows at a time and wondered if that was too much. I was told that it wasn't. Just don't drink so much at a a time that it hurts.
If you have these kinds of concerns, call your surgeon's office & ask his staff. That's what they are there for. They can tell you if you are doing it wrong but I doubt if you are. By the way, at 4 weeks I ate probably 1/4 cup at a meal.
Again, congratulations & good luck.
I too have been able to drink normal since pretty much day one.....I was scared at first too, now I count it as a blessing.....some people have a heck of a time with fluids after surgery. It takes me a couple seconds to drink 8oz......if you do take a too big of a drink you will know it will hurt for a few seconds until it drains out a little. At 4 weeeks I was still on liquids, my program was way strict.....but only like 2ozs at a time....just do what your surgeons says and you will be fine. Also I am not sure what you are eating, but the early soft foods, do go down pretty easy....but when you get to solids, you will be amazed at how quiclkly 2ozs of chicken fill you up! I am glad to hear you are doing so well!!! It is a great help to feel good...Take Care

I would LIKE to stretch out my stomach a bit. I am nine weeks out and I throw up a lot. I get tired ot it.
As far as fluids....I only take two swigs at a time still. If I drink more than the size of the stomach, I throw up, because it can't drain out that fast. But if I take reasonable sized swigs and give it a minute or two in between, then I am fine.
You are doing great. Relax and enjoy the pounds melting away. I know what you mean about having experienced so much failure in the past that you can't believe this is really sucessful.
I have lost 54 pounds in 9 weeks.
Hi K.D. and welcome to the losing side of this journey. It sounds like you are doing well. At 4 weeks out, I just sipped water all of the time. I had to teach myself to drink faster after a meeting with the dietician. However, I know of some other friends that were able to drink an 8 oz glass of milk in seconds. I now can drink that quickly, but know if I drink too much because it will hurt temporarily.
I think that the important thing to remember is that many surgeon's offices recommend different programs for eating. If you have questions, call them and ask what they think you should be doing. I'm sure that you are doing fine, but with ANY doubts, check with your surgeon.
Good work, good luck and God bless,