Weekend plans??
What is everyone gonna do this fine COLD Iowa weekend? Man I can't handle this warm/cold/warm/cold.....my sinuses are going ballistic...I am now on my second antibiotic for one long lasting infection!!! I hate having constant sinus pain and pressure!!! ALso my ugly little ulcer has been acting up so that kinda sucks too!!! Some of you DesMoines folks might see me runnin around your town this weekend
We are going to be staying at Adventureland Inn.....but I will be shopping at Jordan Creek, Sams, and of course dining at Machine Shed
My dad is in some bowling tournaments so we are all going to make a weekend out of it....my poor little daisy (****apoo) we had to take her to the vets tonight for boarding and she is so sad.....we have never left her before...we are too kinda sad, this is the first time she hasn't been with us since July when we got her.....it is amazing how much you get attached to those little furry things......I already can't wait to pick her up Sunday night
Well enough about me....What is everyone else up too?? Any good plans?? Hope everyone is well and staying warm...Take Care

Hi Jesi,
I worked at the bar last night in the kitchen! Now I know that my willpower has been put to the test by working in the kitchen! Before surgery I would have been eating everything in sight, but to my amazement nothing sounded good! 

I did snitch a french fry took a bite & threw the rest away
it was yucky tasting to me even though it was fresh out of the fryer. I'm going in today for cleaning working a split shift then tomorrow is cleaning day around here.
Not sure what the weather is suppose to be doing, one minute sounds like we are in for it the next minute maybe it will pass by us. They are calling for freezing rain, possible snow.
Bowling? OMG I haven't bowled for years BUT our bowling alley may be going under new management so I'm in hopes of trying it out again. I haven't been able to bowl for years due to fibro but I'm hoping that I can try again.
you are talking to a gal that bowled 3 leagues a week & when I wasn't bowling I was a barmaid for the alley! My dad was a big time bowler as well, he had to give it up for health reasons also.
I sure hope you have fun this weekend. And that the weather holds up for you
Good luck dad bring home a bigggggg trophy
Know what you mean about the little furballs. I can board Max for $4 a day & do so when I have to be gone. I hate leaving him he starts crying then I start in, bad as leaving the kids when they were little!

I came to Mom and Dad's since the weather is supposed to be bad, and we have a dinner with someone at church, (it's called, guess who's coming to dinner) Mom and Dad signed up and they added me. Now, I'm kind of scared, only because I don't like onions, or green peppers, and if they ask me, why I'm not eating a whole lot. (Everybody knows I've had the surgery) I'm not sure what to say. But I hope it will be fun.
Then I'm going to my place and working on homework. YUCK!!
Oh, if I have time, get caught up on sleep.
Take Care
BY the way, Jesi, Im only an hour away from Des Moines (East)