Have a question
Hi, as you all probably know I have a depression problem. Will there ever be a time when people won't be depressed anymore and not have to take meds?
Lately, all I want to do is sleep and cry. I'm in college, and had to turn in a teacher for not helping me (have a learning disability) and for yelling at me in front of the whole class. Now if one more thing happens between me and her, she'll be gone (that's what I've heard) but I dropped one of her classes, and still have one with her. I'm not sure if I can take any more of her crap.
I have been worried about having to move back to my parents, (mom and I don't get along) because of income (no income). I have been on low income housing, well, I got good news. Starting in March I only pay $35 for rent. That's a big relieve since Dad is paying my bills.
I just hope things get better. Like very soon!
Thanks a lot for listening everybody. This is a great support group.
Love ya
Hey Lisa, I've struggled with the big D also. During the year following
WLS it got pretty bad. I didn't post much cause I just KNEW nobody else was having the same problem. So you're not all by yourself on this.
It did start to get lots better about 9 months along. But I have a lot of other health problems, so don't use me as a guideline. I just wanted to let you know you're not crazy or alone. Take care Nut
Hello Lisa~
I too deal with depression.....I have tryed over the years to stop taking my meds, with no luck! For some of us it is a chemical imbalance than can last our whole life, and need meds. Even with meds sometimes I don't feel good. But I always feel better when on them. I know when I am more isolate I think I feel better, but I am usually more depressed. It helps getting out and being around people or just going to the mall and walking or something.......get on that gazelle and use it! It might not hurt moving back in with your folks...if you don't have to worry about money, might take some of the stress of ya. Plus the companion of your folks there might help too, you won't be able to be reclusive and just mope (which is what I do when depressed
) Anyways, sorry you are having a hard time with your instructor......Have you checked into like adult ADD it can be common in adults who have learning disabiliteis and mistake depression for it....there are a lot of new meds out there that are supposed to be a temendous help.....might wanna ask the doc next time you see him/her!!! Keep your chin up and let us know what you decide!! Take Care

Hi Lisa,
I'm sorry you are going through this. I can't speak from experience as I have been fortunate to not suffer from depression but several friends & family members have. My neice just started taking medication for it & was embarrassed. My feeling is that this is not something you caused & it's not your fault. Take the medication if it helps you. If you were diabetic you would be taking medication or insulin. This is no different. It's just another disease.
A while back I heard Rosie talk about taking medication for depression. She admitted that she used to be ashamed & wanted so badly to be off it. So she would go off for awhile & it wasn't long & she was in bad shape again. She finally realized that her life was so much better if she took the medication and her girl friend said that everyone was better off when Rosie took her medication because of her mood swings.
My point is, you have a disease & you may have to take medicaation forever but be glad you have the medication to control the depression. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't have it. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Hugs Lisa,
I've suffered from depression for years also. I was able to go off the meds BUT am back on them again. Not for depression but for hot flashes! I can't take hormone pills due to my heart so they tried the anti depressant for the hot flashes...so far so good.
Maybe they need to adjust your dosage of meds? Sometimes that's the culprit. And I agree, do some exercise that helps wonders. Especially if you can be outside. And how well I know what it's like to live with parents & not get along with mom. My mom & I didn't get along for years. Sadly it took the death of my brother to bring us closer. I had to move back in with my folks with my kids so know where you are coming from. Although we were a close family I admit there was a lot of tension. The problem is it isn't your house, you are a guest. I had to move in a few times. It was rough especially having my kids there. Looking back now I'm glad that I had those times in my parents home, mom is gone now, both of my brothers are gone, dad sold the house so I have no "home" to go to. Talk to your doc about adjusting your meds & hopefully that will help.
Good luck to you keep in touch.