WHERE ARE YOU??? Roll and goals 2/14
Yes, Andrea, my thighs are almost worse than the tummy but I have to start somewhere, right? His plan is to fix the tummy first & then the backside. Supposedly they both will improve the look of the thighs as they will be lifted & won't hang at the knee but they will still be loose & bigger than I need. I may decide to not fixt the backside & go right to the thighs. Insurance will not cover me so I have to be selective about what I have done. I can only afford 2 procedures & want to get the most "bang for my buck."
It sounds like you are doing great with your snacking problems. I too have to be really careful around the kitchen. Fortunately, I am not at home evenings except on weekends so I am not as tempted. My big problem is driving home after work. I have to have something to eat. I always have & it drives me crazy to drive the 30 minutes with nothing. I usualy stop at Kwik Star and at least get a cup of coffee ( and sometimes things I don't need!.) They have a cinnamon flavored coffee that is so good!
My evaluation went just fine. My two managers are really nice guys & have great senses of humor. One had heard about my "photo session" at the plastic surgeon's last week & they thought one of my 2005 performance objectives should be to make sure the pictures were posted on the Internet! Then they decided that may be construed as sexual harassment (duh!). I did tell them that if they were nice to me I just might show them my scar! Fat chance that will happen! They also kidded me about my home computer problems. I can't seem to make my network work and since my job is computers & I went to school to work the technical side of computers, they think it's funny I can't do it. Some day I'll show them, hopefully. But seriously, I did fine, my job is still safe & that'os more then a lot of people can say, unfortunately.
I have been wondering about my size after the surgery. I only have one size 14 pair of pants. Hopefuly I will fit nicely into 14's by then but I will miss my favorite jeans, just not enough to want to stay in that size.
I am exactly 8 weeks post-op today and have lost exactly 50 pounds. I can wear size 18 pants now (down from 24). I am still doing a lot of throwing up after eating meat, so i am sticking with softer proteins like cheese and soups. I'm still struggling with low potassium (have had three rounds of supplementation). had my blood drawn to check it again today. Hope it is OK this time.
My simple goals for the week include: work out at least four days & take my protein supplements like I am supposed to every day.
Jean - wow girl, congrats on the great loss in such a short amount of time! Doesn't it feel great to be out of the 20's in sizes? Has your doc told you why you may be having low potassium? I'd be curious about that one. Are you eating bananas? How about some of a banana with peanut butter? It works for me. Also, be sure that the meat that you eat is moist. At least in my experience, dry meats get stuck. I even have to watch when I reheat things in the micro because they get tough. I love shrimp - but never the second day if it needs to be heated because it makes it too tough and then can get stuck. I look at it as a good excuse to use gravy. Yep - I use it - however, not very often and not very much. To get in more protein, are you able to eat eggs yet? They sit "heavy" for me. Others eat eggbeaters and say they do well with those. Also, have you tried tuna? (YUK for me, but I know that others like it as tuna salad.)
Now, get working out and keep taking that protein!
God bless,
Hi Andrea!
1) To kick up the exercise a notch
2) Go back to eating three meals per day only
3) Drink more water
I am slightly over one year post-op from open RNY. I have lost 149 pounds and 101.25 inches and I am currently wearing (mostly) a size 8, sometimes a 10. I would like to lose another 10-15 pounds; but, the weight loss has definitely slowed down.
Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!
Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm)

Hi - wow, 149 pounds is phenomenal!!! You are doing wonderfully. I can't imagine being in a size 8 or 10! (Actually, I could get a 10 on my but and buttoned, just couldn't zip.)
Let me know if you can successfully go to 3 meals only. I have such a hard time with that!!!
You are an awesome inspiration!!
God bless,
Hello everybody,
I think I have about 15 pounds to go.
I don't want to feel like a burden to anybody, but this is how I'm feeling right now.
I'm depressed. (Yes, almost suicidable, but I'm not going that far - I know this will pass). I had to drop a class from school today, because the teacher will NOT help me and I can't find a tutor. I feel that I have let myself down and my parents down.
I'm still fighting the government to get my insurance and Social Security Disability back, Finally got an attorney looking at it. Top of everything else, I may have to move, since I'm not making money. Dad is paying bills, but for Low Income Housing they say, I may still have to move.
I'm sorry, about writing a bad reply.
Let's see, Goals:
1) Get through this depression episode.
2) Go for more walks.
3) Quit crying.
4) Do something fun, (play my playstation)
5) Start a journal.
6) Be happy - I did this (surgery) for myself, nobody else.
7) Love myself, (Right now, it's hard,)
Tomorrow will be better day, right?
I sure hope so.
Well, I'm going to go and take a hot bubble bath. And again sorry, about this depressing stuff. I have been seeing a couneslor, (polk county paying) seems though I go in and say things are fine, when they actually aren't. I don't know, Sometimes, I feel that I'm so confused.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Hi - how are you doing? First off, never, EVER, EVER apologize for posting something. We are family and are here to support you. Remember, that in order for your counselor to help you, you need to be honest with her. I had to tell my couselor about my bad eating habits and I didn't want to - but she gave me some ideas that are helping me to keep control. Keep up the hard work with the weight loss and depression and school. Try to look for your blessings in life. I know that sometimes it's hard, but you can do it.
Hang in there and God bless,
Hi, Well goals are easy like normal...Drink 2 glasses of protein drinks a day...Since I the ones i love from EnjoyHealth.....One day I drink Roadside Lemon Aide and the next day it is Fuzzy Navel....Love them both... Ok now next goal is back to school now that both kids are better and i feel better. Get all my school work caught up....Take one day at a time....I guess if you ask my mom one goal i should do is not wear sweats and baggy clothes all the time. She went out and bought me a bunch of new clothes......Well i need to get back to my school work.....Lynda
Have you gotten back to school and gotten homework done? I know how hard that one is!! Hope that you have been doing well with the protein drinks. I do have one a day at work - don't do so well over the weekend. Sure glad that all is well - now get out of those baggy clothes, girl, and let the new you shine through!
God bless,