well, I am looking to be like 12 weeks along in the pregnancy. They still can't hear the heartbeat, which gives me concern. I am going to request an early ultrasound, and see if that will calm me down. I am so excited about this. I have been trying to be pregnant for 14 years!!!
I am having some problems with swelling of my lower legs at night but other than that the nausea and such have left me for now. I eat all the time and have lost about 18 pounds since being pregnant! My surgeon says I may not gain anything at all during the pregnancy!
My blood tests all look good, except my serum iron is low.
I keep looking at all the cool baby stuff, but until I hear a heartbeat, or see a baby I am not buying anything major. I did buy a little onsie outfit, tho...couldn't resist!
You preops who are unable to conceive...there is HOPE! I am walking proof of tha!
I have lost 180 pounds since my surgery 2/6/04!
If it is a girl we like
Emylie Catherine
MaryAnn Louise
Amie Elizabeth
and if it is a boy theonly name we have come up with is
Drake Allen
what do you think??
Have a great week!
Congrats.....i think i would demand an ultrasound. they did my sister's ultrasound the day after they found out she was pg. very cool names.....again congratssss...... get a hold of me if you are still interested in doing the support group meeting. I know you have your hands full getting ready to be a new mom again. I have gotten some samples from a couple companies. I would like to start having support group meetings on Saturday mornings starting in March. Let me know what you think.....Lynda
Finally an update!!! I am so happy for you! All those names sound wonderful!!! It is normal to hear a heartbeat as early as 10 weeks but usually not until at least 12 weeks! I know I didn't rest until I heard it...lol! They did have trouble picking up heartbeats sometimes with mine also.....I have a little tummy fat......LOL Keep us updated....Congrats again!!!