Depression and Suicide attempt....
I haven't been on the boards lately....just like everything else I have withdrawn from. I have been going through severe depression for quite sometime now, having alot of emotional issues, marital issues and trying to cope with the "new" me! I just recently tried to take my own life...I honestly hit rock bottom! I realize now that I need to be happy with myself, take care of myself so that I can appreciate LIFE and most of all the ppl that I hurt by doing this....Iam now in therapy and trying to get to this point. The point in me telling you all this is....those of you who have support groups stick with them....and those of you experiencing depression get help and don't be ashamed of it. I have been a member on this board for over a yr now and believe me when I say that you all have truly helped me, there are days that I don't know what I would have done without you....
Janet S
Hey woman lets get together and talk. you are right about not hiding your depression. I was very depress and i didnt want to admit. I guess we have to admit to ourselves first. You know i am always here for you....i got a new car so i can come and visit you....Lets do something and just talk. Yes support group meetings are very good to go to....I will put one on in ida grove for you and your friends....Remember I love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lynda
Dear Janet:
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been feeling so low
I've battled depression off and on for years, it's tough!!! I'm glad you're getting some help, are you on some meds as well? There's some good ones out there. Hold your head up, it's nothing to be ashamed of!! Hang in there, it will get better
We're all here for you!! DeeAnn R

I too have had to fight with the depression bug... over ten years now, like others have said, there is nothing to be ashamed of! I also know that you have to help yourself first, and by admitting that you have a problem and getting help is the first step. Hang in there, there are people out there that care.
Janet, we're all here for you. I'm glad you're able to get help, just hang in there. I've always felt that I've been fairly strong, and I thank God for that. If I can share any of that strength with you, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can do this. You didn't get healthy to leave us now
Hugs to you!!!