Carolyn, wasn't it you asking if anyone else was having bad fibro symptoms lately?
Well, I am, the last few days. Bad! Fibro was one of the reasons I looked into having the surgery in the first place. The stress from the weight on my joints was terrible. I guess I kind of thought losing 45 pounds by now, I would be not looking at so many fibro symptoms. But this cold snap has me really hurting. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night because of the aching in my arms and legs.
Treating the pain is a whole new thing now that I can't take napracin. before surgery, I lived on a combination of tylenol and ibuprophen and napracin. Immediately post surgery, and for quite a long time after, because of my painful wound infection, I took the Lortab the surgeon prescribed, so I guess my fibro symptoms were kind of kept at bay. But the past week, they have flared up so bad and I am so limited on pain relief options. the liquid tylenol makes me barf. There is just some terrible taste to it that I can't handle. So I had to go in to my PCP today to get a new prescription for the Lortab. SIGH.
Is there anything anyone else can recommend that will help alleviate my symptoms? I am worried that my weight lifting (light weights) is aggravating it as well. That, plus this terribly cold weather. I want to curl up in my bed and stay there.
Hi Jean,
Yes it was me asking the big question. It seems now when the weather takes a drastic change it takes me right along with it. My arthritis has improved in my hip I'm able to walk now without little or no pain but the fibro flares up. Yesterday was one of those days I ended up laying around all day. So I popped some Tylenol & laid down. Lately I've been running on around 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night so know what you are saying. Does the Loratab work pretty good? Maybe should ask my doc for some. I wonder also since the body has gone thru such a big change where I'm cold how much of a difference that makes also. Didn't know losing all that padding would make me cold! Take care

Hi Carolyn,
Yes, the Lortab works REALLY well. But, it is a narcotic, part acetominiphen and part hydrocodone(spelling?). I like it because it is liquid (Lortab Elixer), I can take it on an empty stomach (It works better and faster that way), and the taste is pleasing (although i heard one girl say it tastes like gasoline to her). And finally, it is CHEAP. I think full price is like $27 for a bottle, but my copay is only $12. My nurse practitioner reminded me yesterday that since it is a narcotic, it can be habit-forming, and that scares me a little. But I always start out with a half dose, and then up it if the half dose doesn't do the job. And I never drive after taking it. I usually only need it at night, if the aching starts in my arms and legs. And I know what you mean about being cold and that aggravating the aching. I've ben wearing long underwear tops and bottoms for a few days now and that seems to help, and wearing socks to bed.
I must have erroneously thought that once I had surgery that my fibro would disappear like magic. Um, NO!
I take Lortab (hydrocodone) and it works well. Altho now I only take 1/2 of one cuz it hits me so quick. Two suggestions: First, my fibro always flares when I do weights. My opinion is that it's just too much repeation for our poor muscles. Curves might be a better choice or water aerobics. Second: how much or do you drink Crystal Light? Spenda is a neuro toxin. I find I have a LOT less pain when I don't drink anything with Equal or Splenda. Probably anyone without fibro won't notice anything but I think the fibro makes us feel any changes.
Only my opinion.