I'm here!! Goals and roll 2/7
Hello everyone!!! So sorry that I haven't been on here lately. Actually, I didn't even turn on my puter at home at all last week and didn't even get to check the boards here at school. Things have been hectic, as usual. The good thing is that I am in my new kitchen and everything is up and working. Wow - is it a change!!!............and.....a nice yellow color....reminds me of sunshine! How have you all been? I will try to do some reading AND responding on here this week.
Well, for goals, I have to set some and honestly work on them. I met with the psychologist on Friday and admitted to eating in private sometimes - where my hubby is no****ching and I feel like I'm being sneaky. Again, it's always at night when I am tired. So, this week, goals are:
1) 3 meals, 3 snacks only
2) No eating in the living room
3) Eat only sitting at the kitchen table and don't do anything else except eat and enjoy my family, (no cleaning, cooking, homework, etc. while eating).
4) Watch the amounts of foods that I am eating.
5) Implement some of those "don't eat" strategies - let's just try to go with brushing my teeth when I feel like snacking.
Okay, so obviously, I still have a LOT of food issues and am still coming out of the closet with some of the behaviors that I have experienced lately. If you want to share, what are some of the things that you are still dealing with AND, what is something that you are proud of yourself about? Obviously, I'm not proud about my eating, especially after 6:00 p.m. However, I am still busting pattoottie going to the gym usually 5-6 times a week. I do 30-60 minutes of cardio, (I will conquer those spinning bikes yet!), and lift weights every time I go. My hubby even had me take off my overshirt (till I was in a sleeveless undershirt) yesterday to show his brother-in-law and sister my muscles.
Well, here it goes - off to the start of another week - one that I know is going to be phenomenal!!!!
God bless,
These boards are super slow lately!! I am so glad to see your smiling face again though!!! I also deal with food demons too, as you know already! I don't sneak and eat.....I eat right out in front of everyone
I am doing much better about my snacking tho, so I am happy about that! But there are still those trigger times where I reach for food, need to find something else also. I got my eliptical a couple days ago, it is set up and ready to go now! I have a doctors appt this afternoon to get some antibiotics for a nasty sinus/ upper respitory something going on! I hope I start to feel better than I will use the eliptical! I will just be getting my house back in order after everyone being sick and lazy! So nothing to fun going on......Goal #1~feel better Goal #2 eat and drink good Goal#3 use the eliptical....That about wraps it up for me! Take Care and everyone have a great week

Hey girl!! How did your doctor's appointment go? Are you feeling better? Have you been able to exercise yet? I bet that you will like your eliptical! I sure hope that you are feeling better. I'm sure that you will do well with your goals this week - especially if you are feeling better. I have had a good day "eating-wise" the past couple of days and have been doing well today. I'll try to call you soon so you can come see my kitchen!
Boy it is another week. Last week stunk bad here. Both my kids were home sick really bad and guess who is sick now. I missed all my classes last week which really stinks big time. Well i am still dealing with some major issues. Well i have confronted alot of things and i do feel better.
my goal is to get better....and get back to school.....and i order more protein powder so i can make my protein drinks. I have found out when i drink them i lose more weight. i am kinda like stand still so i am going to drink and drink it. Well i better go lay down still really sick have a great week.............Lynda
Wow - I hope that you are feeling better, too. Hope that you've gotten those issues under control and that you continue to get help for them. How are you doing toward your goals? Are you back to school yet? I need to order some more protein drinks as well. I am trying to drink them every day too. I do great during the week, but not so good on the weekend.
Hope that you feel better. Hang in there and try to not get too far behind on schoolwork so you don't get overwhelmed!
God bless,
Morning all,
I also have a yellow kitchen
To me it's such a cheery color besides being just one of my fave colors
Katie was home 3 days last week with the flu, I had it the week before for a day. Miserable indeed.
I have been going to the high school & walking for 45 min to an hour during the week. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to do this without having to take a break every few seconds.
I need to push more water. Still drinking the herbal tea & after walking I grab a glass of orange juice. Guess the old diabetic ways of drinking oj after exercise still stays with me!
Keep on walking might make it to China yet
Hitting the 170's!!!! So close now! And I want to be at century by my year checkup.
Take care

Hi! Wow, the 170's, can't imagine!!! Good job!! Great job walking at the school - we actually have a walking club here at our school that I used to do last year. Now, I just go to the gym for my daily torture!
Now, get drinking tha****er and work on staying healthy! I'm sure that you will be in the century club by your one year check-up.
God bless,