now on the losing side!!
Just wanted to update everyone. I had my surgery on Thursday. Came home today (Sunday). Everything went very well. I had some problems with nausea so couldn't come home on Saturday, but woke up today and felt great! Walked all morning in the halls as I was going crazy to get out of there! Just wanted to thank everyone for their support prior to surgery, and I know that you will all be there with your words of wisdom and experience as I travel this journey. Qusestion - how long does this passing gas with the surprise of a BM tend to last?
Oh, that nasty little problem. The surprise BM will lessen as you get on more solid food. The gas, well, I'm almost 8 months out and it is finally lessening. But everyone is different. If they did a leak test, part of the problem is the contrast. That stuff is really nasty and can cause the surpises. I know it did for me. Let's see, I had surgery on a Tues, leak test on Wed, and a surpise early Friday AM. Yup, that's about right on schedule.
Welcome to the losing side! Don't forget to sip, walk, and sip some more. Walking will help with the gas. Follow your doc's diet plan to the T. Life is much easier if you do. Remember that your pouch is in the healing phase for at least 6 weeks. Be kind to it and it may be kind to you. It knows best and as soon as you learn that, you will be ahead of the game.
Glad to hear you are home safe and sound
Gas sucks! Maybe ask your doc if you can take Gas-X.....they are spendy for the chewables, but they really work well!!!! I remember burpring for has all gotten better with time tho!!!! I agree with Lyn, follow your docs order, walk, walk, walk, sip, sip ,sip!!!!!! Take Care
And remember, we are all here if you need advice!

Welcome home & welcome to the losing side
The surprises, for a while I didn't wander to far from home because of it. Like Lyn I'm out there 10 months now & still have gas attacks, but hardly surprises anymore, depends on what I eat. If you can't get out to walk rock away in your rocking chair it helps with the gas also.

I am not embarrassed to say that I am 11 months post op and still sometimes gets the little surprise with gas that just reminds me to go to the toilet to expell my gas. Sometimes feel like living on the edge and pass gas elsewhere but if you go somewhere and your afraid of seepage wear a maxi pad for protection. Congrats on your surgery you are on your way to a new healthier life. and as Jesi told you about the gas tabs they are a life saver especially right now with just having the surgery. You can go and get infant simethacone drops they are easy on the body and it doesn't taste the best but you get relief. Also a heating pad on low heat helps. Take care and welcome to the losing side Kim L. -153lbs