Do you ever have those days....
It is only 8:40am!!! It is one of those days where I have a lot to do around the house......laundry, cleaning, etc....I know it needs to be done.....but gosh darn it, I DON'T WANNA
I had a long weekend, and I just want to kinda sit around today and relax!!! But on the other hand, if I don't do it, it only gets worse!!! What is a girl to do??? I know this is silly, when people have actual I needed to!!! I hope everyone else has a better day planned.....if anyone wants to come over for coffee and cleaning....let me!!! Take Care

First i have to say OMG you look awesome didnt know who you was if it wasnt for the small pic they leave in there. You look awesome woman.....keep up the great job.
On now on to Jesi well i am stuck home with two sick kids. Emm has been home since thursday with cold and flu and Jake has been puking since Friday and now i feel like crap. I had to miss some classes but i am making them up. Not sure on what i am going to do about my work study depends on how the kids are tomorrow.
I felt that way this morning too. I came so close to calling in and taking a vacation day today. I got all my laundry done yesterday and the house always needs cleaning but I just wanted some time to veg out and do nothing. We got a new puppy this weekend and I would have much rather spent the day with her. But now that I am here and at work it is not so bad. It has been so busy that the day has actually gone by pretty fast. I hope this finds you with the day passing just as quickly and with all the hard work you have done today maybe you can reward yourself with a nice relaxing day tommorow.

Hey Jesi
I'll come over for some milk or water (I don't drink coffee). I have just finished my cleaning it took me 4 days and got rid of 15 boxes. I have finally unpacked since my May 1st move. Couldn't believe it.
I'm sitting here depressed, feeling that I'm going to throw up. Having problems keeping food down again. But usually comes when I'm stressed or depressed.
Just about ended up in the ER last night, with a Major headache. I ended up doubling up on a medication (sample) that my family doctor gave me, and I was out. Mom told me that I should have gone to the hospital, but with no insurance, I have no money to pay.
School is stressing me out. But if I didn't go to school I probably would be sleeping all day or watching TV all day. I need to get up and exercise and that is what I've been doing also.
Well, I need to get to bed early tonight. Lucky, no headache. (Yet anyway).
Take Care
Lisa Young