Cedar Rapids Support
on 1/29/05 7:36 am - IA
on 1/29/05 7:36 am - IA
Every 2nd Thursday we met @ Mercy Medical in CR from 5:30-7:30 in Katz Cardiovascular Center
Hi Collette. I had my surgery at Sartori and can't tell you how please I am with it. The recovery time was so fast. I went in on Wed. and was out on Friday. The key to quick recovery is walk walk walk. I walked as much as I could. The first day nine times around the halls. 19 times the next day. I personally had no pain but that was me. The more you walk even if you don't want to the better I felt. I went motorcycle riding less than a week after I had my surgery. I am down 85 pounds now and still dropping. You might want to consider the support group in CF once or twice cause they are really good. The ones in CR are good too but kind of just getting started. I went to a couple in CF and they were very helpful. I plan on going back up there as soon as the weather is good. When you start your two week fast I have some great chick broth that I used and got me through the two weeks. That is a hard one but remember if you cheat you can't have the surgery so that made me stick to it. Also I made veggie soup and then strained out the meat and veggies and just had the broth it was better that way. I also found a really good protein drink that I order on line that I drink every day. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks Mary! I have heard nothing but good things about Sartori, which is very encouraging. What is the name of the protein drink you use? I just bought some protein powder from Optimum Nutrition (23g) but haven't tried it yet. Do you have any recommendations on a food processor...how large, what brand, etc? I have a blender but think the processor might be easier. Thanks again!
I got on Bobybuilding.com to order my protein drink. It is called nectar. I got a sample from Dr. Glas**** Ask them when you go they have it at the office and will let you try some. There are all kinds of favors. You can also call the company 866-333-7403. I would just use a blender. I never use one though. I just made sure that I chewed everything very well. Most times that worked. I still managed to make myself sick. I didn't throw up but my stomach hurt and I usually laid down to help it go away. One trick that helped was using a baby spoon cause you don't get much and it takes longer to eat. EAT SLOW and chew chew chew. That is my biggest problem still. Good luck