Summer get together.
Okay, let's clear the air a little bit. I don't like confrontation, but I think this needs to be said and then it's done.
I VOLUNTEERED to put this together. While I did ask for input, some of the input was phrased in a way that it was hurtful. I have a pretty tough hide so most of it just rolled right off. I'm not sitting here sobbing because of those who don't want to leave their families aren't coming. My feelings aren't hurt because no one that I don't know has that power over me. I understand that there are those who don't like doing anything without their families. I didn't really care why you weren't coming. Only if you were or weren't. You all have to do what you need to do for you and yours. That said, there are also those of us who are older, with kids grown and gone. I wouldn't enjoy a weekend with a bunch of kids running around. And I guess since it's that age group that is planning this, we can decide if it includes kids and SO. Every woman, no matter what age, does need time for themselves. We all realize how much support our families have provided to us on this journey. However much support they gave us, tho, we are the ones who actually have done it. We are the ones who had the complications,
, the frustration of the scale not moving, the joy of being able to do things that we couldn't before. If you haven't walked a mile in my shoes, then you really don't know what it's like.
If families were included, you would be focusing on them and not getting to know each other. I thought that was what this was all about.
I have no problem with anyone planning a family outing. While I love my hubby dearly, both of us recognize time alone is a good thing. He wouldn't be comfortable at a family outing altho he supports me 1000%.
In conclusion, this has run it's course. I don't want the board to become divided. Not over something as easy as just saying yes or no.
Now everyone kiss and make up!

Hi Lyn I still want to come so count me in.
There's another lady that is my Angel on here I told her about it so I hope she will go so we can ride together. She is waiting on insurance approval also. Are we still welcome even if we are waiting on our surgery even though hopefully we will allready have it done by then if not I will be a basket case. Take care anything you guys want to do is fine with me