Summer Get Together
I know I'm going to get my hinney flamed for this post but that's ok. I guess I'm really disappointed & hurt in some of the comments that were left for Lyn. Just because it's a "girl" weekend doesn't mean that spouses, kids or significant other's weren't appreciated for their support. It simply means getting together having girl time with those that have shared on the board. I have taken girl weekends forever so maybe that's why I have a different view of things. I have done this since my twins were little & they are 28 now! And I still have done the same with Katie, she has stayed behind while I take some time for myself. Yes, I'm selfish, I enjoy my time alone BUT I also enjoy my time with her. The girl weekend is with our other family that we've gotten to know over time.
I think a simple yes or no will do if you are coming or not. There isn't any reason to flame Lyn over this. This board has always been close with loads of support I sure hope it isn't going to be divided now. This isn't about taking sides, it's about support & having fun with our "other family" that we've grown close to.
Noone is blaming Lyn on nothing we are just stating how we feel. So I have to ask this. If a guy had this surgery what isn't he allowed to come. Because there are alot of married couples on here that have had this surgery and there are alot of guys that had this surgery also. They way I thought it was going to be was for all our families to meet and get to know each other. Being a single mom and on a limited income like alot of people on here i just can't take a weekend to myself. I am not putting down anyone on here for wanting to get together and having fun. But alot of us have young kids and just can't leave them home. We are just wanting to let people know how we feel so that is why i said the ones that want to bring their kids we can do it on a different weekend. I think some of us got hurt when it was said it was a kid free and spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend free weekend.......Lynda
Hi Lynda,
If a man had surgery he would be more than welcome. We just don't see any men posting here. As far as couples that have had surgery, you bet they should join in. This is for those that have had surgery or thinking about it. I'm also a single parent on a fixed income! BUT I'm also human with needs & one of those needs are being by myself on occassions. I think a family get together would be fun also don't get me wrong. Maybe you & Traci can get together & plan one? A family picnic at the park would be a great idea, does Carroll have a swimming pool?
HI, We may not have men posting on here but they do read the board and i think sometimes guys feel out numbered on here so that is why they don't post. I think Tracie and I should plan a thing here in Carroll for all the families of people that have had this surgery. I also need time to myself but excluding our families from something important to us is wrong i feel. I am sorry but to tell us we can't bring our family is wrong we should be allowed to bring our families. We could list activities that include family and some acitivities that exclude our families. I think this is a very touchy topic to alot of people and noone wants to make anyone mad or hurt anyones feelings.
One thing that needs say on this and this is my opinion only. If I was planning this myself i would want people to feel open to tell me why they are not coming. So a simple yes or no would be wrong. I am sorry if i posted that i was planning something and i got a lot of no's i would take it personally. Now if someone would say hey lynda this why i said no then i could look at all different options and change it.
Yes i know we can't make everyone happy. Yes some people will never be happy. But if you look at this alot of people are stating that if they can't bring their families then maybe we need to say hey we need to do somethings with family part of the time and part of the time something with families.
But if you guys want to put something together that don't include families then do it have a great time. But don't take it personally or feel hurt that a lot of us want to include our families. I will check into something for all of us that want to include our families. Lynda