Invasion of the Flu Bug
Has anyone else been seriously hit with the flu bug???
Everyone in my family has been run over by it. One child brought it home the end of last week then Monday my two other kids woke up with high fevers and my husband came home from work same day practically coughing up a lung. I have not been affected thus far and I am hoping that I can keep warding it off. It must be the vitamin loading that makes it stay away. Anyway the kids have been missing school and so I call the doctor's office to see if they are even treating this in the clinic. The nurse told me that they were in the beginning but now half the doctors and nurses in the clinic are out because they have got it too. She was even thinking that if it doesn't get better that the schools may cancel a few days of classes because of absentee-ism. Not just the students, the cooks and teachers too. She also said that some people are having it last up to 10 days.....MAMA MIA!!!!!
Hopefully the flu vaccine will not be in shortage next year, I just don't remember it ever being this bad before.
Sherri :
I have been lucky this year, and so has my family. No flu so far, knock on wood!!! All the hype about the flu vaccine shortage, and now I'm hearing they're worried about many many doses of vaccine going to waste, because so many people have forgone getting the shot, because they figured it wouldn't be available, or they wanted it to go to someone more in need!!!! I wonder if they jumped the gun, broadcasting the "shortage" ? Well, I hope everyone at your house is feeling better soon!!! Take care!! DeeAnn R.
Thanks for your concern.... I guess if it wasn't the flu it would have been something else sooner or later. It is just kinda weird being the only one who actually feels good. You know how kids are when you are on the phone???? They start to argue fight or pick on each other and at some point I always have to tell them "Quiet please, I am on the phone" Last night my mother calls and she noticed right away... "Is everyone sleeping??? It is so quiet there." And I admit it has been more peaceful but I would rather have the noise any day than have them feel this tough.
God Bless,

I don't think we have the flu bug, but my family sure has had NASTY colds!!! Plus one of my five year olds has bad ashtma, so when she gets a cold, she has a heck of a time!!! The schools around here have a lot of sick kids, I didn't even think about the flu.....A few girls in my daughters class have strep
I have sinus headaches, but other than that I have stayed pretty healthy too I guess! I hope your family starts to feel better! I certainly feel for you.....I know how it is to be a mom with a bunch of sickies!!! Wishing you luck! Take Care

Hi Sherri,
I got hit with it earlier this week. Horrible stomach pains, reminded me of labor pains & diarherra, didn't know a person could go so much! I was on the verge of calling my surgeon thought something else was going on instead but it finally passed. Left me exhausted. Several other's I know have had the same thing. Son says that there have been alot of people missing work with the flu. I was hoping with the vitamins I wouldn't get it but it proved me wrong. Lasted the 24 hours then was gone but sure zapped me.