Congratulations on your approval!! I bet you're really excited about getting your T.T. !!!! Did you have to provide much documention of rashes ect, for your approval? I'm hoping to get a T.T. in the next year or so, but I'm not sure that my insurance will approve it. I really would like to get a thigh lift at the same time, especially if I have to pay!!! Because if I have to pay, it will be a one time deal!!! Keep us posted, I'll want to hear all the details!!! Best of luck!!! DeeAnn R.
Well it is a bummer, it is gonna take awhile......BUT you got insurance approval and that is the most important part.....You are way lucky...I think I will have a MAJOR fight on my hands when I try for it....Heck, my new insurance doesn't even want to pay for my depression meds....I can only imagine the fights for any kind of plastics.....Only time will tell!!! Take Care