Valentines Day??!!
I posted this in another post, but don't want to hi-jack anyone....
so am asking here...
For those of you who have husbands, significant others, or kids, what do you plan on getting them for V-Day? I CAN eat chocolate, but choose not to for obvious reasons, and my husband REALLY does not need to eat any...he weighed this weekend...264! My son definitely does not need any candy. WHAT can I do for them?! What do any of you want done for you??
I have lost 209 pounds in total now, and am looking at getting a diamond anniversary band to go with my wedding band to symbolize my freedom from the bondage I once had with fat, and to celebrate 7 years with the most wonderful man a girl could ask for!
Have a great day everyone!
ENJOY the weather if you are in my part of is WARM, sunny, and GORGEOUS here!!

It is a beautiful day here again too.....I love the shining sun.....I open all the drapes and let the sun pour in!!!! My girls are little, so I will get them a little candy, but not much.....they are really into jewelry and makeup so I plan on getting stuff! For hubby, what about nice cologne or gift card to Lowes or Menards....or a home made coupon book for free favorite meals, massages, movie night......those kind of things! I am not sure how old your son is......But gift cards to blockbuster to get a movie or game or passes so he can go to the movies with a friend.....or if he is older, gas certificates, hair cutting certificates...I always get my brother that kind of stuff, cause he is always broke and needing a haircut or!!! I am with you tho, and trying not to make every holiday about food I have been thinking away too!! Take Care