hair help!!!
HI! Carolyn!
How's life north of me? It is SO warm here today, people are going to go crazy thinking spring is on the way~!
I don't know what to do about my hair. I am nervous.
Guess what~! I bought a pair of jeans at the thrift store...SIZE 20~~!!!
I admit they are a stretch one with 2% lycra, but they are zip up nonetheless, and have a way cool flared leg with some kind of paisley design drawn on them in a gradient brown velvety kind of print. The best part, besides them being a 20? They were FIVE bucks!!!
When do you have time to get together? I'd still like to hook up with you and Janet! Hey, the people who had the fire, do they need bigger than 3X clothes? I have a lot of those, also some cool size 11 clogs that just fall off my feet....
thanks for hi-jacking my post lol...I miss chatting with you!!

Hair falling out? Mine too, I read that if you take zinc that is suppose to help promote hair growth. Since I started taking it it seems to have slowed down. I take 50mg per day. I also make sure I get at least 50 grams of protein 5 days a week. I take the weekends off cause I am lazy. By the way I am from Cedar Rapids and had my surgery Sept 1. I have dropped 85 pounds and can sometimes get into a size 16. Sometimes. The 18 was glorious keep up the good work on your end. If yo hear of anything else to help with hair let me know.