Summer get-together
I posted before Christmas about the get-together and only got a couple of responses, Carolyn, and Lynda. If we are going to do this, we need to get on it and get some plans made and rooms reserved. I'm willing to work on it but I need input as to how many to plan for and which weekend. I think before it was suggested June 10-12.
My idea would be for a Friday night mixer, with everyone bringing their favorite snack item. Saturday we could go to Adventureland, Living History Farms, shopping, zoo, or whatever. Have a nice meal Saturday night, possibly at the Machine Shed (no Jesi, I didn't forget) and then have a brunch Sunday morning before everyone heads out. If there aren't 100 people who want to attend, I might be willing to have the brunch at my home and fix a breakfast casserole or something similar. As far as kids and/or spouses, I'd rather it just be us. But that's only my opinion. I'll do whatever the group wants. I though it would be fun for everyone to bring an item of clothing from their former life.
Let me know!
Hi Lyn,
I need a vacation right now so sounds good to me! It was so much fun last summer with it being just the girls. EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!! Get ahold of Lyn & let her know if you are planning on coming or not! Regardless if you have had surgery or you haven't. EVERYONE is welcome.
I agree Lyn, the clothing from the past, have it hanging in my closet, the jeans & shirt I wore for my 1st pic that was posted on here. Good reminder of what has been. The date will work this year for me as our family reunions are the same weekend, every other year. Good timing

I think a meeting of some kind sounds fun, but if I can't include my family, I wouldn't go. I don't think there is anyone anywhere who has supported me more than my son and husband and to exclude them would not feel right to me...just my opinion...
also, just my thoughts here take it or leave it, but everything being planned sounds very food-oriented.
Sorry to be so negative, but I do think it would be possible to include families without infringing on the group aspect--I think it would be great for husbands in particular to see that they are not alone in what they go through having to learn to deal with OUR new lifestyles, and I don't really care to socialize much around is still a huge trigger for me....probably always will be.
Sounds great but hate to say this that is the weekend right before my niece is going to be born. We found out Friday my sister is having a little girl and her name will be Lisa Rose. she will be named after my sister who died when she was 17 and 1/2 and for my grandma who dies almost 10 yrs ago. Plus if we can't bring kids then i really can't do it. So hope you all have a blast and enjoy it.......
I re-read my response, and I must say I sounded kind of *****y...I really didn't mean to. I really do think it sounds like fun, but too food know, kind of like an AA chapter going out to the bar together...know what I mean?
I was thinking and instead of critisizing your idea without giving any suggestions, I DO have a suggestion. How about finding an awesome park in DM, one with a sand volleyball pit, and have people bring pic nic type food and beverage, and then of course bring volleyballs, fisbies, basketballs, etc. THAT way we COULD include our families and still be able to branch off into get together groups. Have plenty of SF lemonade and water available to those who can't or don't care to eat in public yet, or those who are still on a liquid stage.
Just trying to give ideas so everyone has a chance to feel included and welcome....also this would not be as costly since parks are free.
I'm still with you Lyn
We didn't have family with us when we met last summer at the Carnie seminar. As far as being a food weekend????? I have to eat so I'm with you there also. All of us gals had a great time last summer & I don't think anyone had any guilt leaving kids & spouses behind. Just my opinion.