Anyone else have this problem
Ok gals I have a question.
it's kind of embarrassing though. My belly button has the look of a b*** crack now & with this has brought on horrible itching & moisture. I took my pharmasist aside & asked her what I could do & she recommended cordaide. Told her I had some A&D ointment with zinc & she said to try that. It works! What has anyone else used for this problem? Even for the apron? I know we aren't to use powders or corn starch as it causes yeast problems..but this stuff has driven me crazy (like I already wasn't). Would appreciate hearing from any of you on the subject & anything you have used to help. Stay warm & safe everyone
Cabin fever is setting in bad here.

Before surgery I was having a rash problem under the apron folds. My Dr.
told me to mix a little clotrimazole ointment ( generic antifungal ointment
you can buy any where) and some hydrocortizone ointment(also can get a generic) It works good. Now that I've lost so much weight, and actually want some rashes to help with the TT approval they're nowhere to be found 

I have quite abit of hanging skin on the stomach, so maybe when things heat up outdoors, and I'm out walking and sweating alot, we'll see. Isn't it crazy to WANT a rash?!! If that's what it takes to get a T.T. sign me up!!! Take care Carolyn!! DeeAnn R

Yeah, DeeAnn, I have the same "problem." Before the surgery my panni always was wet under it & it got red & nasty at times. I always used corn starch & that cleared it up nicely. Still keep a box of it in the bathroom for my husband's use. Now though, after the weightloss & with a bigger panni (although certainly deflated) no rashes. I attribute it to the fact that I am in the pool 5 days a week & what can grow with all that chlorine? Also I hardly sweat at all now, even when I exercise. Used to be that while doing chores I'd have sweat dripping off my head onto my glasses!
The PS I talked with said that insurance companies will not pay for the type of tummy tuck that fixes the muscle even with rashes but might pay for the panniectomy which just removes the panni. I want a nice tight tummy so will be paying for it myself. I guess I feel that if I can live without it & I have no problems, then it is cosmetic, for me & I shoud be paying for it, not expecting my insurance company to foot the bill. Now, if I had a hernia, that would be a different story. Since very few people who have their WLS Lap get hernias, I guess now I regret being so careful after my hysterectomy. Maybe I could have developed a hernia to help me get a TT.
Good luck. Hope you get all drippy & rashy! (How mean does that sound? It's not meant that way. 
