salt and water retention
I have noticed since my wls it seems I'm super sensitive to salt, has anyone else noticed this? I eat anything the least salty, and it seems like I retain water big time. I'm trying to increase my water consumption even more to see if this helps. I don't have the monthly water issues, since I had a total hyst in 2001. Is this a menopause thing too? Any thoughts? Thanks, DeeAnn
Hi DeeAnn,
I have just the opposite problem I crave salt. And I'm not having water retention. I need to make a dr appt anyway so am going to ask about this. Could be a meno thing if I think of it will ask the doc when I go in. I'm back to the insomnia again, the past week I've had my "whole" nights sleep getting up between 2-2:30 a.m. Darn fibro anyway. Do you want spicy things? Crave those also, loaded with salt though! My hyster was May 2001, when was yours?
beginning to look like we are sisters! Thanks for the compliments on the pic, I can't believe the difference the year has made