Hey all!
I'm new to the website and have found talking to people about their past WLS experiences is truly awesome. I was so scared and nervous and though I still sort of am...I feel better knowing others felt/feel the same way!
I do have kind of an issue though. My husband's insurance no longer will cover bariatric surgery as of 1-1-05 but they did make an exception for me as I was in the process of doing everything. The HR Director at his work sent us a letter that they sent to Alliance Select outlining the issue and allowing me to be paid for granted I meet the pre-approval process according to their 2004 guidelines. I had to give a surgery date of March 29th and he stated that I had to have surgery within 45 days of this date. My second appointment is on March 17th at the UIHC. Debi doesn't think that it'll be a problem but what if there is one? Then what do I do?
Talk to you all soon!

Dear Jen:
I'm not sure how to answer your question other than to say let your surgeon's office know the time line you're on, and hopefully they'll be able to push the process along!! Maybe whomever does their insurance submitting can contact your company and verify that the date has to be within the time frame you were told, and see if they'll be at all flexible? Good luck!!!! 

I mainly wanted to welcome you and tell you this is a great place to get more info, learn alot, amd meet very friendly people!! Keep us posted!!!! DeeAnn R.

Thank you SO much for being so friendly! I can't wait to get a picture posted so y'all know what I look like. I'm so sick of being so overweight. But I've lost 5 and 1/2 pounds just writing everything down and being concious of what I eat.
It won't last but feels good to shed again. I can't wait until surgery. I'm scared, nervous, excited and anxious at the same time. I just wi**** would hurry up and get here so I can start enjoying the benefits of better health!!!
thanks again,

Debbie is great isn't she......she practically runs that place.....Just don't get on her bad side and you will do fine
I would call Debi and see if you can get on a cancellation list to get your appt sooner.....what is the second appt?? Is it your pre-op testing or weight check?? By the way, I went to UIHC! Just really have a heart to heart and let them know the situation.......and do what they say, or they do cancel ya! Best of luck!!!! keep us updated! Take Care

Hey there - I sent you an e-mail about a week ago. We have met! I was in the waiting room at Dr. Samuel's office and we talked for awhile. I was having a problem with the quitting smoking thing....yes I have smoked since I was 16 and now I'm 29! I have worn the patch since Dec 17th and my doc just put me on Wellbutrin to get rid of the cravings. I'm still smoke free!!!! That's a HUGE accomplishment for me! I have done really well with my journal too. Not only do I keep track of my food and water intake but I also write down how I'm feeling that day without smoking or different little things.
I want to start a "journal" on this website but I don't know how. I also have to get a picture scanned and posted. That'll take me a good year to get done! With a 6 and 2 year old - everything's impossible!!!
Thanks to EVERYONE for the warm welcome and ANY tips you have at all will help me greatly. I'm going to talk to Debi about getting my 2nd appt moved up but I think they're pretty strick with the 3 month waiting period.
Talk to ya soon,
Welcome to a wonderful place!! I'm sorry that I have not welcomed you sooner. You have beginning steps of the process started and believe it or not, the time will fly. I would do what Jesi suggested and explain the situation and ask to get on their cancellation list to try to get in sooner. In the meantime, your thoughts will more than likely focus around the surgery a lot. Know that that is normal and that we are here for you!
God bless,