Recommendations for plastic surgeons...
The one that I would highly recommend would be Dr. Cherny in Des Moines. His practice is called Heartland Plastic Surgery. His office is located just east of the Living History Farms on Hickman in Des Moines. He is rated one of the top plastic surgeons in the U.S. and has one several awards for his excellent ability. In fact, he will be doing my TT when it is time for me to go through that. I need to wait for about a year before the final results as I am currently pregnant and Dr. Cherny will not do the TT until close to a year post baby
I was a bit disappointed about that however, I can wait so then I have the chance to get a bit more weight off after baby.
. Dr. Cherny did my BR, it has been over 3 years and I didn't have any problems and am thrilled with the results. I hope that I don't sound to prejudice, however, he would be the only one that I would trust my body too.
I hope that this helps. Good Luck!!!

Dr Bastug from Waterloo spoke tonight at Dr Glas****'s support group meeting. I was very impressed with him & his talk. His photos were very good & he doesn't promise miracles, something I feel is very important.
There is also a Dr Bernard & I believe another PS in Waterloo.
Oh, & he is VERY good looking himself!