hi gang
Just wanted to check in and say I am doing much better right now. My mood has improved dramatically, even after only 4 doses of the Celexa. I feel much more optimistic about my situation and more motivated to carry on.
I can't remember if I told you that I got an IV on Friday to correct my dehydration due to the horrid vomitting episode, but that really did do the trick. I have kept up on my fluids just fine ever since and am feeling OK.
My wound hurts and I still am taking half doses of my Lortab. I don't know if this is going to heal on it's own or not, but at least I feel able to face whatever the outcome is. I'm still squeezing out any infection and re-packing it once a day. I am also managing to choke down the antibiotic in refried beans. I can do it fairly slowly as to not irritate the pouch.
Tomorrow I will be day 22 post-op and can advance my diet a little more as to include some soft lean meats. My husband is making chicken and noodles so I can have some soft bites of chicken and some of the broth. I'm really looking forward to that.
I can't tell you how much your notes all mean to me. Sharing your experiences and giving me such positive strokes. I think getting on the antidepressant was the best thing I have done and it has really enabled me to be much more positive.
Thank you all so much for being there!! Mary Cox....I wanted to come see you in the hosp. too, but I was too sick. I am so thrilled to hear you are doing so well and that your mom is caring for you. I would not have been able to survive without my family taking care of me in every way possible.
Everyone....thank you thank you and more thank you!!!!
Hi Jean,
I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. Zoloft worked the same on me so can understand what you are saying. The wound should heal on it's own but it takes time. A hint for you if it starts itching around the wound try some A&D ointment with zinc. The stuff is amazing! My dad makes homemade chicken noodle soup &
that's one of the 1st things I asked for! Yummy!!
You take care of yourself. And remember we are here for you.

I am so gald you are feeling better. And if it wasnt for our families i dont think alot of us could do this. My mom came and stayed with my kids the whole time i was in the hospital and then when i came home she stayed and then when i went back in the hospital she stayed and when i finally got out and got to stay home she stayed with us and my sister helped out took me everywhere. Sometimes we forget just how special our families are to us.....But again i am so glad you are feel good now.......Lynda