doing a dab better
I had a horrible night. I layed there feeling like I was going to die or something. I had so much nausea. I went in to the weight reduction clinic this morning to see my surgeon and he ordered two bags of IV fluids and my antibiotic to be iv for today. We were there four hours but I feel better this afternoon. I hope I can keep up the momentum now. I have to push fluids without irritating my pouch. I don't have to worry about the antibiotic today at least. My wound infection is still hovering near bad. He said worst case scenario is that if it is not significantly better next week we'd have to go back into the OR to clean it up, whatever that means. So, I've got to stay hydrated and get that antibiotic down every night and make sure we do the packing good. At least at this moment I am not miserable. Please pray for me everyone. This has been a nightmare.
Thank you for all the kind and helpful notes I've received. please keep cheering me on. I have to get through this.
Dear Jean:
I'm so sorry to hear things have been so rough for you 

I was one of the lucky ones, I had a very smooth post op recovery. Hang in there, it WILL get better!!! Some people have a rougher recovery than others, unfortunately, and we have no way to know ahead of time, where we'll end up!! It doesn't seem so now, but it will be worth it!!! Hopefully soon, this period will be behind you, and you'll feel better and start seeing the good side to this surgery!!! Best of luck, Jean, and know we're all rooting for you!!!! DeeAnn R.

Jean - I was very sad to read that your road has been so miserable. I know you have the right positive attitude as you showed that to me when we met. As all have said... it will get better. We did this closely in time, so hang in there. I am expecting to be a big loser right along beside you! My mom has stayed with me since we got to the hospital and last night when we came home. She has gone to town to run a couple of errands and lookin on dad, but I want you to know she is thinking of you also!
Hang in there! The worst is nearly over!
I'm so sorry to hear that you are still having a rough time. I'm glad, however, that you are in close contact with your surgeon. Did you also contact your nurse practitioner for some help with depression? The emotions we experience along with this surgery are sometimes overwhelming!
I pray that you will heal well and that the journey will get easier for you.
God bless,