Who is home with another snow day????
We are here in Dubuque.....seems like we got a lot of snow.....lol!!!! My hubby took over shoveling duties, since he didn't like the way I did it yesterday
see if I help him again.....lol!!!! Anyways I will be getting on and off here all day, the kiddies are loving this.....two days of no school and playing outside!!! I am doing laundry up the wazoo!!! Everytime they come in and out, three more towels are dirty and wet and the clothes are all wet......oh well.....they are having fun at least!!! Hope everyone is warm and safe! Take Care

And, Jesi, they are out of your hair while they are outside! No hearing, "I'm bored. What can we do?" I remember those days, but on the farm, our kids quickly learned not to complain that they were bored as Dad found work for them to do.
Oldest son is out plowing snow right now so the milk truck can get in & so we don't have to struggle through thigh deep drifts to get to the barn. Love that boy! Not sure how much snow we got but the TV is saying Frederika, the closest town to us that they have listed, had 17" & I believe it!
I'll be back to work this afternoon. I felt so guilty last night all warm & dry while someone else filled in for me. Fortunately the guy who comes in after me did get to work so no one had to work much longer than normal. Guess I'll have to be extra nice to my co-workers for awhile now.

School was out today, but I couldn't stand to be home anymore, so I'm here at school getting caught up. I'll probably leave around noon. Last I heard, we got 14.6 inches in Des Moines. They also say there is another chance of snow next Tuesday and Wednesday. At this rate, we'll be in school til July! Stay warm!
Jeri H.
we here in carroll have another snow day my kids are praying for friday off too... i am thinking nah go back please before i kill yeah...they are climbing the walls which really stinks and they are loud and giving me a headache. well this weekend is their dads weekend so he can have fun with them........and then monday we all are back to school full time...yes...cant wait went and got my books tuesday.....looking forward to it so badly..........lynda
Here in Independence it looks like about 15" or so. How can you really tell... I shoveled the necessary stuff this morning and had a friend plow our driveway. It would have taken 3 hrs for me to shovel it. My 9 y/o is loving it. I'm expecting to find a new fort in the piles when I get home. On the other hand my beagle tells me her too-too gets to cold to squat in the snow and prefers to pee on the shoveled driveway!!!
We've only had 1 day of school this week and they went in late that day. I'm thinking they'll go back tomorrow. Monday is a scheduled in-service day and we'll be off again. Apparently they had something planned that they can't change!!!
Just think it will all be gone in a few months... and counting down... I can't wait to take a decent walk outside again.

Hi Jesi girl
You got what we had the day before! We had a late start yesterday (I'm behind here!) but will probably be on time today. Guess we had 8-10 inches here then there is another system moving in by Tuesday I think they said. Welcome to Iowa!!! Dad is rubbing it in, he is basking in weather of 70 plus degrees, why the hell am I in Iowa??? Take care.