Where did my butt go???
After my last round of surgerys I couldn't wait to be able to soak in a bath tub....well no more soaking for me lol I can't stand to sit in there for very long as I have this bone on my bottom side that Iam now sitting on!!!! Before surgery it was always hard getting in and out of the tub and there wasn't much room left after I got in the tub....Anyone else discovering this bone in there bottom side? LOL I think its time for a padded bathtub!!!!
Have a great day,
Janet S
I tell you what......I FEEL your pain.........It sucks, I wonder how thinner folks handle this, or if they are just used to it.......But seriously my butt hurts all the time.......We took the kids to the movies awhile back and I about died.....I kept flipping and scooting trying to get comfy (probably looked like a hemmiroid commercial....lol) with no avail!!! Sometimes even lying in my bed flat on my back, my tailbone or whatever hurts, riding in the car, you name it!!!! I wonder if it eventually calluouses over or something, but for now it is a pain in the A$$!!!!!! Take Care

Oh, I feel your pain! LITERALLY!!!!!! My theory is that it isn't the bone that is the problem but the loose skin (flab) that now gets pinched between the chair, bed, bathtub, etc & that nasty bone. I often find that I have to rearrange my bottom to get comfortable andif I am wearing jeans, it's almost impossible. For awhile I wondered if I had some kind of tumor or growth on the tailbone that had been hidden by the fat. I hope we get used to it soon.
Hey gf boy do i agree with you. i use to love to soak in the tub in bubble baths just to get away for awhile. now it is like in and out of the tub. so i cheat i get a cushion for the tub to sit on. so now i sit with candles on and music on to chill out after a hard day with the kids. i will be doing it after a hard day at class. thinking i dont have much cushioning there i may have to take a pillow to sit on at school also......lol.....have a great week gf....................Lynda
The first thing I noticed was how hard the church pews are! I keep squirming during the sermon. I'm voting to add padding when that comes up the next time! So now I just go upstairs and sing. That way there isn't much sitting.
The bones that have me amazed are the ribs and the bottom of the breast bone! Where did that come from? Mine's kinda lumpy. I keep forgetting to ask about it when I go to the doctor. She probably would just laugh at me!
I know where it went, I know where it went...............YOU DANCED IT OFF!!!!
When you take a bath, do you ever just lay back to take some of the weight off that tailbone? I can't take sitting in the chairs during faculty meetings at school and often stand. I also had to have a cushion put on the piano bench at church several months after surgery. Thank God that our pews are now cushioned!!!
Buy yourself one of those blow up donuts that you can take in the tub. I had one after I had Danny. Might have to look for one myself, because I'm not giving up my baths!
God bless,