Just a quick note to say Hi to everyone. I am still alive. My lowest weight to date has been 177 but am back up to 200, not worried about it though because the Dr. said I would gain some back after bottoming out. Haven't been getting quite enough exercise either. Got some today - been out 4 times to clean steps and blow off our parking area, our son's parking area and even did the neighbors parking area.
Still adjusting to living in the mobile home. Still unpacking stuff and finding the right place for everything. Have the outside table and chairs to move yet and then everything is here.
Just letting everybody know that might be interested.
Hi Lester,
Was beginning to wonder about you! Yes, mobile home living is quite different isn't it? When I moved into mine ended up throwing out a whole lot of stuff, donating stuff AND my shed is still full!
maybe when Katie moves out I might have some room. Sounds like you are feeling all right now. Stay in touch & tell Carol hi.

Hi Lester! So nice to hear from you. Glad that the move is done - I hate packing/moving/unpacking! We're in the process of having my kitchen remodelled - totally! I even helped my jubby and son gut it. Never could have done that a year ago!! I'd say that shovelling snow counts as exercise. Tell Carol Hi!
God bless,