i've got three layers of clothes on because i'm freezing LOL but i'm so thankful that i'm only 9 days post op and recovering INDOORS. we're up to 8 inches here in CR... expected 12-14. this is what i call hibernating.
my husband said "i hope we don't run out of food..."
that one made me laugh... considering one can of broth lasts me about three days.

Hiya GF!!! We had about 4inches of snow here this morning, about 6 now. I didn't go into work this am, it just stresses me to no end to have to drive in this crap, you would think after living in Iowa all my life that I would be use to it by now but nooooooooooooooo! This is the time of yr. that I truly miss living in town!!! Didn't send my kids to school today, I thought it was crazy that they even had it. We'll see what tomorrow brings eh!
Everyone stay warm....
Janet S
Hello All! It has been snowing here all day, on top of a layer of ice. Everyone around us canceled school today but Davenport.
They never do, or are the last to do so. I kept my son home anyway, knowing it was just going to progressively get worse as the day went on. I'm very good at hybernating...I love it!

Hey Debi and everyone! Just had to jump in and complain about those Davenport schools - that's where I teach! I woke up Wednesday after a night of no electricity and still none when I called a friend to see if we had school, she said that Davenport did, but my kids out here in the North Scott district did not. Now, that's injustice!!! I had to get ready for school in the dark by candlelight - kinda hard to put on make-up that way!!
Anyway, hope you and everyone were safe.
God bless,