My son says we have probably 6 inches out there right now & still snow. Actually not snow but sleet right now. I'm really debating about putting Katie on the bus as she has to travel 10 miles to middle school. So far 2 hour late start. And they say it's suppose to get worse yet.
I have done this before, not sending her & as it was they let school out early anyway. Where is the common sense with these people?
Ok enough vent. Everyone stay safe & warm.

Hello Carolyn
My Dad wants me to come home, it's a 15 mile drive, I told him, if you want me to come home, you're crazy, but come get me. I'm not going to put my car in the ditch.
Besides, I have a snow drift outside next to my driver's door. I'm going to tell Dad, to bring in a shovel.
At least it's not freezing rain, if anybody here has freezing rain and snow on top of that. I am sorry. I don't want it.
Well, dad is supposed to call me any minute, so I better get off.
Take Care stay warm
Lisa Young
Hello Carolyn
we have lots of snow here too ,its still coming down they cancalled school here think goodness or I would of just called them in because my hubby took the van to work cause his car would of never made it he works in dewitt its a 20 mile drive from here. were suppose to see about a foot by the time its over they said yuk, i havent seen it snow this bad in a few years.were going to indiana on the 21st so i hope the weather is good he got a job offer there making more there and what he does back here. take care have a good day
We have lots of snow here in Dubuque too, but our schools were already cancelled last night! It's not looking good for tomorrow either......we are still supposed to get a lot more throughout this evening!!! The kiddies are itching to go play and sled......I think I might even join them.....I don't have any snow pants tho
This morning at about 6:30 I went out and shoveled the driveway, well half of it, and little paths on the stairs and sidewalks........That is the most I have done forever!!!!! Heck I didn't break a sweat or die or nothing!!!! But I did kinda get pissed off at the big pile at the end of the driveway........So I got out our truck and just kept driving back and forth over thought it was a good idea, mu hubby came outside and was pissed......apparently all I did was pack the snow down and it is gonna make it a lot harder to shovel it later........MY BAD!!!!!! At least I tried!!! Everyone stay safe!

I am kicking myself now for not staying at a motel last night, instead opting to go home a couple hours early so I could make it home. Now I am 20 miles away from work & NEED to go in but probably won't be able to. I work in a small department that runs around the clock. Someone has to be there all the time. Two guys live in town & got there ok. I am the next one scheduled to go in but live on a gravel road over 1/2 mile to the closest highway. The two guys that come in later than me drive even farther. If I don't get there, it's possible two guys will be covering for the rest of us.
Oh, why can't I be a lady of leisure? Why do I live in IOWA?????????????
Problem solved! My husband came home from feeding our heifers & when I asked him if he felt it was OK for me to go to work, he said I'd be crazy to go. So... I just called in & said my husband said not to go. I feel guilty for not trying but I'm not a good winter driver anyway & would really hate to end up in an accident or a ditch. I still will feel really guilty if the guy I work with ends up having to work 12-14 hours because I didn't go in.
We have about 6" and are expecting 10" more. My son is elated. Dixie - I know how you feel. When Dan was a baby it took me 1 1/2 hours to get home from CR one nite after work. It usually took 40 min. I decided then and there I was quitting and finding a job close to home. Because of that decision I worked 3rd shift in a factory for 6 mo which was the ickiest job I've ever had. I just call that my learning experience. I now work 8 blocks from home and love it!!!!
Be safe everyone!!!