1/3 Roll Call and goals
Hello Andrea
What a weekend. Get called from Marshalltown Police Department, that my car had been hit, (thanks to the ice storm). This morning I took it in for an estimate, get this $1200 damage. Doesn't even look that bad. Just the corner of the rear bumper.
Stressed out. Get my college books Wednesday, but we are expecting 6 inches of snow by Wednesday morning. So I am not sure if I'm going out. THen I have a counseling appointment in Des Moines on Friday. I better be able to get out by Friday. I just am not having any luck.
My goals:
1) stay in until Friday (?) Getting cabing fever
2) put my Gazelle (Tony Little's) together and start exercising
3) drink more water
Think I should leave it at that for now.
Going to go find myself a bottle water.
Take Care
Lisa Young
So often, exercise is a great stress reliever. Hopefully, once you get that Gazelle going, you will get the benefit of some added endorphins! I love the feeling that I get after exercising. If I am having a bad day, my hubby will ask - "Have you gone to the gym yet? Do you need to go now?"
Sorry to hear about the car. Hope you found your water bottle and am able to get to classes and your appointment this week.
God bless,
Hello Andrea,
cheer up I know how stress can be on someone, mines getting better today was my hubbys and mothers bday and mine will be next monday he got some good news he got a job offer in Indiana making more than what he makes here. so I hope he gets it. im going back to the drs on thursday for my referral for my tummy tuck I decided to get it done I want to try and get it done in april if we dont move at that time, my eating I feel like i snack alot which its still hard on me to because I still crave foods so im going to make it to the gym this week and less snacking. cant waqit to see you at the next meeting take care
Wait a minute there, girlie, I thought that you were NOT moving now. I do understand that your dh can't turn down a better paying job. Happy birthday early! Hope that you all have some good birthday parties with good healthy food and no cakes or anything that will make you ill! (I would be dumping left and right if I ate cake!)
Wow, let us know what the doc says on Thursday about the tt. Hang in there with going to the gym and snacking less. See you at the next meeting.
God bless,
Hi Andrea:
Your kitchen will be sooooooo worth it!!!! Just wait till its
done. On Opera a couple of weeks ago, they were saying that
your home enviornment really represents and effect how we
see our lives. Since we put our house on the market, it is
always close to clean. I can't belive how much better I feel
having it look great and neat and clean. Maybe, having
everything torn up and disorganized is driving you nuts and
making you feel torn up and disorganized? Anyway, your
investing in your furture enjoyment -- keep your eye on the
prize. I have to go to New York on Friday for 5 days. So my
goal is to walk at least 5 miles a day while I'm there. My second
goal is to replenish my vitamins and start taking them
regularly again. I've been off for about 2 1/2 weeks.
When did you have time to watch Oprah? Do I feel torn up and disorganized, yessirrreee!!! I can't wait till you get your new house - I'll be swimmin' right along with you - oh wait - better wait for an invitation. LOL
I know that I will feel much better when the kitchen is finished. When you walk into our house, you walk into the kitchen and it's been a source of embarrassment for years. (Don't get me wrong - I am VERY blessed to be in a house that we call ours with a yard and in a great area 2 doors from my church and 1/2 mile from my mom!!) Anyway, now I will feel pride when people walk in - especially because we helped in the process.
Now, when you go to New York, you will do wonderfully with the walking. Go pick up those vitamins and get to takin' them!
Have a great time in New York.
God bless,

I wasn't going to respond this week as I am so frustrated. I admit that I slipped last week with the holidays but I am back on track again & the pounds still don't go down. If anything they are going up. I am keeping a food journal, drinking more than I am required, eating from 1000-1200 calories as instructed, getting in the required protein and vitamins, & also getting more fiber. In addition, I exercise at least 5 days a week and that doesn't include the chores I do in the barn. What more can I do? I am starting to believe that my body has said "enough, already." I can't even say that my body shape is changing anymore as I am in the same sizes I have been in for the last 2 months. I have 35-40 lbs to get to my doctor's goal for me. next week I see a plastic surgeon. I want him to tell me how much more I need to lose. Could I possibly have 30 lbs of skin on my tummy & thighs? My thighs are really awful.
My goals are pretty much what I am doing- drink, exercise, & eat absolutely nothing that isn't good for me. No between meal snacks except for an ocassional yogurt.
Andrea, you will love your new kitchen when it's done & I understand completely your frustration. Try not to let it get the best of you.
Hey, Dixie, sorry that it's taken me so long to respond. You know how busy life gets, I'm sure. Anyway, about being stagnant - do you need to change your exercise routine? Don't they say that if you do the same thing over and over again, you may get to a point where you don't have as good of results? I know that my trainer says that variety is the key - although I still like to do the same machine every day. I did just talk with her yesterday about some more body building issues. She is going to give me some more ideas so I can lift every day, not every other day. I will work on some muscle groups one day and on others the following day. It should be interesting and fun - I think I will finally get to use some free weights!
So - now for a little more stress in my life - my furnace would not kick on this morning! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Anyway, it sounds like you are doing wonderfully. Keep up the good work and you know that it will all fall into place and then you will lose more. Let us know what the plastic surgeon says!!!
God bless,
Morning Andrea
First of all big hugs to you. Nothing more frustrating than having the house torn up!
the last few years of high school it was that way at our house. Dad decided to do some remodeling just months before my graduation, did it again when my brothers graduated!
imagine my mom going thru this (years 1973, 75 & 78). He quit after youngest brother graduated & I started giving dad crap about how he probably wouldn't do anything more to the house til my twins graduated!!! Guess what? Major overhaul on the house months before their graduation!! No wonder mom turned grey overnight. Believe it or not you will look back at this & laugh. Remodeling was kitchen, bathroom & living room. Ok enough about my family, but sorry had to laugh as it brought back memories.
Need to get off my fat a$$ & get some work done around here.
Get back on track of drinking more water although the herbal tea is yummy & hitting the spot. My 2 fave's are orange spice & french vanilla.
Catching up on sewing, have a lot of projects to finish up.
Speaking of sewing does anyone out there own a sewing machine that quilts? If so what kind, price if I'm not being to nosy & how does it work for you? I bought a Brother sewing machine about 7 yrs ago & I'm afraid come spring I will have to put her in the family plot. Been a good machine but has all but died on me. I would love to own an embroidery sewing machine with all features but unless I win the lottery it isn't a happening thing! I'm also starting to make my first fleece blanket that ties off. Anyone done that? Sewing has been my comfort zone when I get "hungry" Ok ok I'll shut up!

Alright - what is this - laughing at my expense? LOL That's okay, I'm sure that I will be able to giggle about it soon too. The guys have been working very hard on everything since Monday. But................just a little more stress this morning - my furnace won't kick on - had to call the furnace guy. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What's next??????? Lord knows that I won't be letting anyone tear into my house again anytime soon! (I lie - hubby and I may gut and redo our living room next - maybe this summer.)
About your fluids - the herbal tea should count as fluids, shouldn't it? In my understanding, as long as it is caffein free, it counts. Do you know otherwise?
Sewing - yuck! I've never had the patience for it. My hubby gets ticked because I don't even like to sew buttons on. Good luck finding a machine.
God bless,