1/3 Roll Call and goals
Good morning everyone. Sorry that I did not get roll and goals posted last week - but I was a little too busy with a sick toddler and tearing down my kitchen.
Goals and eating right stink lately. As I said, we gutted our kitchen the week after Christmas. I now survive with a frig on the porch (not enclosed) and micro, toaster oven and crock pot in the bathroom. Needless to say, I am experiencing some stress. After blowing up at the family Saturday night, I had a real "duh" moment that is really scaring me. I realized that I am not only addicted to food, but to cooking for myself and others as well. Basically, I still have way too much focus on food. Why - How can that be? I am a year out from surgery and still have these demons to deal with? Those were supposed to be gone by now. I guess that I should have listened to the psychologist before Christmas when she said that being without a kitchen will be good for me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH someone convince me of that!!! So, goals are:
2) Eat only 3 meals and 2-3 PLANNED snacks daily as the dietician suggested.
4) Don't use food for a reward or for quality time with my kids (no more making cookies that I can't eat anyway with my daughter).
5) Get on this site often to help keep me grounded and on target this week!
Sorry, can't think of an off-topic question - just talked to my contractor and he said that he has to tear up the total kitchen floor and start over to get the thing leveled. AHHHHHHHHHHH again. I will survive this, I will survive this, I will survive this...............
Hope you all have a great week.
God bless,
Dear Andrea:
I got stressed out just reading your post !
I'm glad the holidays are over, hopefully I will get back into some healthier eating habits!! My goals for this week are:
1.) More protein, less carbs!!
2.) limit snacking, to heathly planned snacks
3.) increase water consumption !!
4.) Less lurking more posting!!
Hope everyone has a healthy happy new year!!! DeeAnn R.

I understand the holiday eating. I didn't do too badly at holiday meals, but New Year's Eve, I was feeling sorry for myself and went out and bought a whole bunch of snack food that no one in my house needed - cheese, crackers, baked chips, dip, no sugar added ice cream sandwiches. Sounds like some healthy stuff, I know, but when you add the fact that I am a food addict on top of that, you know that I lost control and ate all night. "Duh" moment realization number 2 for the week is that I normally eat well in front of others, but when by myself, or just with my kids, I eat and eat and eat.
Sorry, I'm supposed to be supporting you with your goals and here I am going off again on my probs. Thanks for the ear.
Look forward to reading more of your posts and replies this week!
God bless,
You sound a lot calmer now
As you already know, I too had a major blow out with hubby! But I am trying to be nice
Trying is the key word there!!!! I made it to the Doctors this morning, he seemed great, I always hated getting new doctors, but he is cute!!! I got some new meds, hopefully I will start to calm down!!! Our schools where two hours late
The roads were 100% clear.....anyways that meant I took all three kids to the doc with me, they were excellent tho! UMMM this week I am just going to concentrate on me more.......relax, re-group, kinda help myself first!!! Make sure my eating, drinking, and pill taking are in check!!! Also the whole exercise stuff.....I plan on going to the Y by myself a couple times a week, then taking the family a couple times a week too!!! My kids need to exercise too, one of the twins is taking after me WAY too much!!!!! Also cook smaller portions for the family, I feed them now how I always have, and they don't need to eat that way either!!! Now that I think about it, I reward my kids with food too, I wil work on that! That is it I think, be on here, and get support that is needed!!! Everyone have a great week and Take Care

So glad that your appointment went well. I'm sure that now kids are back in school, things will calm down for you. Sorry to hear that you had to take them with you to your appointment but glad that they were good for you. It always makes it easier to see doctors when they are cute - (Va Va Va Voom)!
Your goals sound similar. We really must deal with so many of the same issues. Hope that you get some good endorphins going on after working out at the Y. I get to hit the gym this afternoon and am SOOOOOOOOO looking forward to it! Hopefully I will feel better after that, too.
I'll call you soon to check up on you. Until then, I will talk to you on here.
Hugs and blessings,
Hey Andrea! You will definitely survive this because you have something that probably 50% of the folks that have had this surgery don't have yet; self awareness. Food addictions are scary things because they can make you feel so out of control. With therapy and support, you can get through this... and you will.
What helps me when I find myself having cravings or thinking about food nonstop is to try to consciously stop myself and find out what's going on. I usually find that I need comforting [smokers go through this too... everytime they light up it's a way of self comforting] so I do things like rub a baby blanket on my face [sounds silly I know, but it really does comfort me] or ask my husband for a special hug and a kiss. Rewarding myself with activity like stitching or walking or [something that requires a little bit of thinking] or a game really seems to help too. Sometimes I buy a trashy romance novel as a way to get cozy on the couch without food for my comfort. Soft things and things that smell nice are great ways to self comfort!
I don't know if any of that is helpful to you, but you are just doing so well with recognizing the root of the problem. Now all you have to do is change the behavior. You're half way there!!
Best wishes to you.

Thanks for the support and for the ideas. If I think about it and make the effort, I probably will be able to recognize that I have needs at the times of stress. I certainly am in love with hot bubble baths and pedicures in the tub. I'll have to try those as rewards or to fulfill a need. I also like sugar free popsicles and they are a freebie for me. I'll have to move back to using those. The prob is that they are in the freezer on my front porch. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Anyway, thanks for the support!
God bless,
Hey woman i think alot of us took last week off. i took my tree down on the 27th and cleaned.
my goals this week are simple...
1) prepare kids that mom isnt going to be home during the days (at least monday, wednesday and fridays)
2) go get all my stuff for classes since they start on the 10th (thought christmas is expensive nah college books are worse)
3) finish going threw clothes (sinse mom says she has 4 more boxes for me.
Have a great week everyone......
Yes i got my pell grant lucky for me it paid for my full tutiion and all my books i have like 109 dollars left from it. i got a student loan also. but one reason i am getting a part time job is cuz i am tired of sitting at home. i will have two days a week and weekends i can work.
now for my clothes i am in a size 12 jeans or medium jogging pants. and tops are some mediums but i like larges. big change from last yr. i only kept one outfit from before when i was so heavy. it is the outfit i wore to the hospital. i can fit in one side of the pants. and shirt hangs on me ( it is good for pjs). i gave my sister 6 boxes of clothes and i got more to give her from the sizes of 14 to 5 xlarges. her and her hubby can where it and since she is preg. she will have some really nice outfits to wear.
have a good week......lynda