New Year Resolution
Hi Folks:
I haven't posted in months and it looks like lots of new names
on the board. Since tommorow is New Year's Eve, I've
decided to make my resolution to visit this board more often.
The last 16 weeks have been super busy at work and we put our
house on the market. Wow does that get you in physical
shape quickly. We put an offer on a house that has an indoor
lap pool. I think that will be great for excersize. Can't wait to sell
our home so we can enjoy it. Hope everyone
is well and I wish you all the best for this new year!
Hi Eileen,
Long time no see! Hmmm my resolution is to move in with you so we can swim laps together
Anything I hate is moving! But I do have a tendency to get rid of alot of junk that way. Haven't really thought on a resolution other than hitting goal weight & staying healthy.
Happy New Year

Hi Carolyn:
I love your new picture. It might not be very new, but I've been
so out of circulation, you look great! I'll be sure to give you
a formal invitation to swimm when we get moved in.
(By the way it has a sauna and a jacuzzi too.) Maybe we can
have a post support group gathering and invite everyone.
I hope you have a wonderful new year!
Hi Laurie:
Great to hear from you and Happy New Year! Did I hear a rumor
that you moved this year also? I am so excited that starting
in January I'm going to be able to go to support group again.
I had the class that I teach a Blackhawk moved to Tuesday
nights so I can participate again. I'm really looking forward to it.
I need something more to stay on track. I got to see Andrea
at St. Ambrose's production of Jungle Book. She looks great too!
Good luck with your Plastic surgery appointment.
I have a HORRIBLE MEMORY, so please forgive me, I just can't remeber if we met or not? I am with Andrea and Laurie at the meetings! Anyways glad to see you are back! this board helps me temendously too! I will get into funks were I don't post for a week or so, but when I come back it is theraputic really! Take Care

Hey girlie - how are you? Now, when you have that party for all of us to enjoy your lap pool - be sure to include me!!! The only thing is that I won't enjoy watching my flabby skin float!!!
As for a resolution - we have a gutted kitchen right now - I mean it is bare "nekked"!!! No walls, but the outside (and some spots we can see outside) and no ceiling and bare floor. Contractor comes in Monday. Anyway, with no kitchen, except for the few small appliances in the bathroom, I have discovered that I do really stress about not being able to cook and then I turn to food when stressed and then when I get stressed, I tend to cook more. DUH - only took me a year to figure that one out! So, resolution is to lesson the importance of food in my life because I obviously haven't done that yet! Now, if only I had the gym in my backyard, I would never eat - only work out and lift weights all of the time
Hope to see you soon and glad that Wednesdays will work for you now.
God bless,