Straight to the top!
Hi everyone,
Well I have an appt with the head of the GI dept at Creighton Univ. tomorrow. This is who my wonderful arthritis doc (Carolyn likes him too)
recommened I see next. I'm afraid to get too hopeful, but I have to get to the bottom of this. So I'm crossing my fingers, got all the records copied (again) and will try again. I still have an ace in the hole, thanks to Carolyn, if this doc blows me off, I at least have another option. And again I really want to thank everyone for the Christmas cards, they made my holiday. Take care everyone. Nut
Good Luck Sue will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. I have sent several Dr's way & they all loved him also
He had me dx'd in just a matter of minutes when no one else would! Everyone thought I was off in the head, pain was in my head etc. He was truly the only one that listened to me. A friend of mine was going thru the same referred her & she couldn't believe it, he dx'd her also & she got her Social Security as he rated her also. Don't forget to ask for a rating, that is something that always helps. Talk to you later. If I were you I would go ahead & get appt with him anyway sure won't hurt.

Good Morning Carolyn,
I completely believe you. I can't believe I'm going to say this - after spending 23 years driving a semi all over the country - but I just don't know if my vehicle will make the drive. And I'm sure there will be some tests. I found out the hard way that I'm way tooooo old and still obese lol that I can't count on anyone stopping and helping me if my vehicle gives out. (it's hell to get old isn't it?) I don't have a cell phone, have no resources to have my vehicle towed, etc, etc, etc. Now don't get me wrong, if this doc gives me more blah, blah, blah my next step will be to call your doc. I am down to liquids and the pain is - well I'd rather give birth again. I have to find some help. But it is sooooo comforting to know that if this guy does blow me off, I have another option. I really do appreciate your help, it has lightened the stress level in my life. So I will know what to do next this afternoon. I'm already on SS disability, been on it since 2001. But it sure wouldn't hurt to have a doc willing to support me if and when they decide to re-examine my status. Thank you Carolyn and I really do appreciate your help. ((((HUGS)))) Nut
I have some hope for this doc. My appt was at 11:30, he got tied up didn't see me till 3:30 I didn't get out of there till 6:30. They did a pretty good history asked lots of questions. He ordered lots of blood work, test for lead, thyroid panel, CRP + sed rate, liver panel, metabolic panel I don't know what else. He ordered a 24 hr urine test, a upper GI with small bowel follow-thru (which the other hosp always skipped, just did the pouch) and a colonscopy. He said possibly the reason I get hives out in the sun may be due to a connective tissue disorder. He told me to go get some peppermint extract and take 1/2 teasp 2 x a day for the esophagal spasms. I had been eating peppermint hard candies cause it made my stomach calm down and the last GI told me I "had" to stop that it relaxes the flap (I didn't think we had one anymore) at the bottom of the stomach and can make my Gerd worse. He confirmed that I can and do according to the biospies taken TWO years ago have colitis. He said he thinks since it hasn't been treated the inflammation in the colon can make it darn hard for things to "get through"/ possible bowel obstruction.
So I hope I'm going to get some help here. I've been really sick since that appt. no food or drink that long. I went to the ER last night the pain was so bad it hurt to breathe. They did what I hoped they didn't, worked me up for my heart, nope wasn't a heart attack, and then sent me home with no help. I told them it wasn't my heart but they do that and then give me no help with the pressure and pain. I can't stand up straight, it hurts to breathe, alternate sweats and chills, it feels like someone has a belt around my chest (bra line) and has it as tight as they can can't eat or drink nothing, it hurts. Then waves of nausea and pain, hot burning constant pain in rib cage area. I have darvonset, doesn't touch it. I feel completely backed up. I will try and call gi doc office tomorrow. I just sit with ice packs on ribs and keep breathing.
This sucks there has to be something I can do. Nut