Goals this week
I am doing great, I just need a ghost to clean my apartment.
I got my Tony Little's Gazelle Exercise equipment. Found out that might not fit in my apartment. I will make room for it, if I have to get rid of a chair I will.
I'm getting bored. This Winter break is going too slow. I start school January 12.
Goals for this week:
1) get my apartment organized AGAIN so I can bring my Gazelle in,
2) drink more water
3) having problems eating again, so eat more protein
4) keep taking my multivitamins, forgot a coulple of days worth.
I think I will stay with those for right now. I seem to be a little happier, not sure why. But boy, I have energy right now, so I better go to clean.
Take Care and Happy New Year
Lisa Young
oh, number 5 get a new picture on my board,
Glad to hear you're feeling more positive!! Good sign, getting energy again!!! I have been depressed off and on, for years, and know the desperation it can bring!! I'm even thinking it may be time to go back on meds! It's something those of us who suffer from depression just have to keep on top of!!! It's a good feeling to be starting a new year soon, to go with our new bodies and lives!! Anxious to see a new picture!! Take care, and happy New Year A little early!!! DeeAnn R
Hi Lisa,
I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Good luck on finding a cleaning ghost!! Most of the time you just can't get them ghosts to do what you want. lol My sister has a Gazelle and she just loves it, I made the choice of a treadmill, I wonder sometimes if that was the right choice.
I'm so glad I have it. I know I would NOT go outside and walk everyday.
Take care and Happy New Year. ((((HUGS)))) Nut