I'm baaaack!
At least I think so.
I've had a heck of a time friends. That fever in the hosp freaked me out terribly. I starting coming up in my head with all kinds of things, that I was going to be the ONE in 200 that die from complications. I thought I must have pneumonia, I must have a blood clot, I must have a leak......My surgeon is so sure of himeself, and so confident that he did inspire confidence in me when he aggressively took action to rule out all of the above. But it was a scary couple of days.
I've had a lot of trouble with the gastric tube. I have intense pain from it. Both from seems to be inside the site as well as around the site as my skin was completely broken down from all the tape, and the gastric juices leaking constantly. I'm supposed to have it capped during the day, but that seems to make it leak around the site more, so I leave it uncapped so the leaking is les to deal with. I have to watch it all the time. I can't use my cpap machine because the narcotics make me not be able to control keeping my mouth closed, so what is the point of this g-tube?? I'm calling Monday to see what can be done about it. It just makes me miserable.
OK, my time is up here, I feel so week. I want to thank everyone and I mean everyone who has sent me a christmas card, written me an email, visited me in the hosp., or even just thought positive thoughts or prayed for me. I am so blessed to be so supported by you all.
Morning Jean,
Glad to see you are home
Am so sorry about all the problems you had, hopefully you are on the road to recovery. I had skin break down from the tape I'm allergic to tape so bought some A&D ointment with zinc & that really helped. Just a thought. Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery. Take it easy now!

i hope you start feeling better. i remember how weak i was after my surgery and for awhile after wards. make sure you call the drs. office and keep us posted and rest. rest is good and dont feel bad if it seems that you sleep alot. your body needs it to heal....welcome to the losing side.....lynda
Glad you are back - I've been out of town visiting family for the holidays, so I hadn't been able to follow your post. That g-tube is the worst isn't it! I don't know what kind of headgear you have for your cpap machine, but you might consider asking for a chin strap to help you keep your mouth closed while you are on narcotic meds. Mostly the g-tube seemed like an extra pain that wasn't necessary, but the one or two times I needed that release I was glad to have it.
I was fortunate to meet a man in my dr. office one day who is 9 months out and 150 pounds gone. He said some very uplifting things that I needed to hear - his main point was that the first 3 weeks suck. After that it gets MUCH better MUCH faster. Now that I am beyond that 3 week mark I believe him. Once that g-tube comes out you will be a completely new woman, so hang in there. And feel free to email me ANYtime. I have appreciated your warmth and encouragement when I was going through my bad days.