My mother has had some sort of an infection. Her temperature yesterday was up well over 100... I think that the maximum was 104. However, this morning she is back down to normal. They are going to doa n Upper G I on her... just to make sure that there are no leaks or anything of that sort. She says that her G tube itches a lot, but otherwise she is just pretty sore. She says that she hopes that she is on the losing side, because so far in the hospitol she has gained 9 pounds from all of the fluids. My older sister is going to aid her so she can take a shower today, which makes everyone feel better.
I'll keep you all updated.
I think everyone gains in the hospital it is from all the fluids they pump into you and the gas and such! She is on the losing side
!!! Thanks you for keeping us updated! I too spiked a temp where they thought I had a leak, I was in the hospital for 6 days because of it.......Hopefully it works out the same for her.......I will say a prayer for her! Sometimes our bodies just do weird stuff! I am sure she will feel better after a nice shower, but it is a good idea for your sister to help her, my hubby always helped me!!! Again, give her my best!!! Take Care