Need some encouragment!
Ok, I had my surgery on the 16th and I know it's not even been a week yet, but I feel like total crap! My drain hurts, the muscles in my stomach hurt, my back hurts, it seems like everything hurts! And I do understand I've had major surgery, but I feel terrible because a lot of you were able to walk around a bit and started feeling better.
I had dry heaves for the first time last night, and I thought my stomach was going to come up! Just a little reassurance on how everyone has gone through this much pain would make me feel better. I can't wait until that day that I wake up and aren't in miserable pain!
Thanks y'all!
P.S. Now I know what everyone meant about how hard it is to get your water in. I can barely drink anything without the nausea!
Let's see- a week out, hurt EVERY WHERE, and the thought of food makes you queasy. Next ought to come being totally pissed that every one around you can eat what they want and you can't. Then a little greiving because food was such a huge part of your life. You seem to be right on track! It WILL get better! It takes a while for the antesthetic to work out of your system, the sore muscles to ease up, and things to start working again. Do your best. Concentrate on drinking- the rest will come with time.
Good luck!
Jeri H.
Hey fellow sufferer
I had surgery on Dec. 6th and was pretty sure until last Saturday night (18th), death was a definite possibility. Not only could I not get up without feeling queasy and light-headed, putting anything (water included) in my mouth was almost impossible. I still feel slightly strange (like I am not myself), hate cooking for my family (although I started on pureed Saturday night, which has made a HUGE difference) and still am not even close to up to par. I could not do protein drinks and the hightened sense of smell was making it even worse. I tried doing some Christmas shopping last night and am suffering today, who would have guessed? If you look through the past messages, I sent one out after surgery much like yours, nobody seems to post about the bad, but of course, they are celebrating the good. I know it will get better, but I am getting impatient. Hang in there and rest, drink what you can and try to increase your protein.

Stephanie, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. It will get better when you get your drain out. Also, try and find a different position to lay or sit to help take the pressure off your back. Even laying on your back with a folded pillow under your bent knees should help some. Also try putting a pillow behind the small of your back while your kicked back in the recliner to give a little extra support. Don't forget to take your Roxicet either. There's no reason to be having extra pain because you want to be a hero.
I never threw up so I don't know what that's all about. When do you get your drain out. You can always call Dr. G's office. The girls are really good about answering questions and helping out.
Believe me, it gets better. Maybe Santa can put a little extra patience in your stocking!!! I was never good with that either!

It truly does get better!!!! I felt the worst during the first week post op. I have had multiple surgeries in the past, but nothing prepared me for how awful I felt those first few days!! I think it must be like giving birth, yeah we all remember it hurt, but after that baby arrives we no longer spend much time focusing on the pain. Once you start feeling better and the weight starts comming off, you don't spend much time thinking about how awful you felt. Also, everyone experiences pain differently, and each of us have our own reactions to the anesthesia and surgery. Just remember it does get better, but it takes time. Our new digestive system takes time to start working, and each day that goes by gets you closer to feeling more "normal" Try to be positive, and know that soon you'll feel more human!! Its so importent to move around as much as possible,and try to sip fluids constantly. Also try to get in as much protein as you can. Every one is an individual, and tolerates things differently!! Best of luck to you!!!! It will be worth it, hang in there!!!! DeeAnn R.
Stephanie it will get better you had major surgery and your most painful spot on your abdomen is probably the incision on your right upper side. That is because they had all of those instruments there. I felt like I could die and I slept in my recliner for a few weeks with pillows behind my back etc. Your shoulder probably hurts also I guess we are strapped down pretty good. The pain does go away and your probably experiencing gas pain on top of it all. Your not expected to drink your 64 ounces of water this soon just take baby steps sip frequently. Walk as much as you can it really does make a difference in your recovery. At least it did in mine are you still taking the narcotic dr G. prescibes? You might want to try tylenol 1000mg . Just keep your head up high we have all been there whether it be laproscopic or the large incision and we all got through it use this web site it is a great place for support. How are your bowels moving if they aren't moving that can contribute to your pain. Call dr if needed don't be afraid to do it I have called many a times and they have helped me through alot and they are truly the greatest. Hang in there! There is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow!!!! Here is to a new you with the new year! Kim L. 300+ /158 3-04-04
Morning Stephanie,
Yes, it does get better. Walking will really help, it will help get rid of the excess gas that's probably still in your system. DON'T try drinking, try sipping. Try some herbal peppermint tea to settle down the queasy tummy & sip on it. Or some sugar free peppermint stick. Every day is better than the day before, but don't over-do. Like any surgery it takes a lot out of you. Keep posting & updating. If the pain isn't getting any better be sure to call your dr & let him know. Once the drain comes out you'll be able to rest better. If you haven't had a bm be sure to let the doc know that also. Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers.
We all kinda sound like broken records
You will feel much better when the drain comes out......Also, even though it sucks the more you are up and moving around, the better you start feeling!!! It is hard to get that liquid in when everything makes you quesy.....My surgeon sent us home with anti nauesea meds to help that first couple weeks, you mught want to call him and have him order you some of those, it does help!!! Also drink warm stuff, it really helps me even now when I am pukey feeling or have a pissy pouch! Heat up your broth.....have some sugar free hot cocoa, hot decaf tea or coffee.....(not sure what stage of food you are on) Even hot jello liquid!!! Wishing you the best, and feeling your pain, we have all been there!!!! Take Care and merry Christmas!

ummm you are a week out lets see when i was a week out i was still in the hospital still trying to get all the pain under control. i was that way for ummmm 3 months out. walking killed me at times. ok i had complications that is one reason or most reasons. but in time it will get better i would say trust me but i hate when people told me that. just take your time and just walk a little at a time.....if you need anything let me know.....lynda
Hi Stephanie,
At the risk of repeating what everyone else has said....I WILL get better. I had surgery on 11-16-04, went home on the 19th (had a very uncomfortable ride home). I was home and I thought maybe I could rest better. NOPE, not in the cards. I was in pain, the pain medication tasted horrible (It made me gag, but I knew I had to take it to stay on top of the hurting) I could not sleep for any longer than 3-4 hours. My back hurt all of the time. I could sleep in bed. I was constantly tired. I would drink and drink and still the glass I was drinking from would never empty. I was up and down all night. I wondered if it was all going to be worth it. Exactly one week after being home things changed around. The pain was substantially less, I slept for 6.5 hours staight one my side in my own bed with a pillow supporting my back. This was shortly after I started getting protein in. I am 5 weeks out now and feel really good. I went back to work part time 3 weeks post op. Everyday gets a little better. Give your body a chance to adjust, it has been thru a major trauma. I know you probly are feeling like you have been hit by a freight train right now but it will soon pass, and you can look forward to becoming a new healthier you. I hope that all of the responses help you. Feel free to post anytime, everyone on here has been dwn the raod your heading now and can understand completely what you are going thru. Hang in there...we're all rooting for you.