Oh my gosh - Monday again!! Roll call and goals
Wow - Eddie Bauer's size 12! Whoo hoo!!!
How awesome to reach that goal. Now, hang in there with your goals and not eating too much, or the candy over the holidays. I guess that I am one of the "lucky" ones that dump on everything - even sugar free stuff! I WON'T be trying any candy, even. Hope that your new exercise routine is a fun one!
Yep - it is Merry CHRISTmas! I know the reason for the season and thank God for His gift!
God bless,

Goals huh???? I am just not sure......There are always the basics! then there is surviving the holidays without gaining 10lbs......I do need to get some serious thoughts going about my near future.....I have only a limited time before deciding if I am going to renew the gym contract! Last night I dumped and went to bed at 7pm........... I was bad
made me do it! The nice neighbor brought over a tray of baked goodies....I had three cookies and a small piece of fudge over the course of making supper........sat down for supper and was absolutely stuffed from snacking......then got all crappy feeling and needed to sleep right then, went and laid down and didn't wake up until 5am!!!!!! My hubby was sweet tho and made sure to get the treats out of the house for me....I still suffer from no FLIPPING control!!!! My major goal is to have a fun Thursday at my best bud Andreas house!!! No kids or hubbys, just us two gals shopping or what not, I cannot wait
See you soon! And everyone else: Take Care

Hey - get that demon out of your house! I can't believe that you dumped. YUCK!!!!! So glad that Jason got the goodies out of the house for you. I know what you mean about no control. I brought that up with the psychologist again yesterday. Needless to say, she thinks that it will be good for me to have to be out of my kitchen for a month or so while it is gutted and refinished. She thinks then my focus will have to turn AWAY from food. Right - does she know me at all????? I have always lived to eat. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Like I said to Dixie, who knew this would be as hard as it still is at a year out?!?!? Certainly not me. However, if I could do it over again, I would in a heartbeat - especially to have made such good friends like you!!!
I am looking forward to tomorrow SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Can't wait!!
See ya in the morning!
God bless,
Ok I know Iam late posting this! Its been a very stressful few weeks for me, Im not really sure how I feel or how to do with it, so am finally seeking out some help something I should have done awhile ago! Ive lost 17lbs in the last 3 wks. so the weight is not a factor here except that I do not want to lose anymore!!! So my goals for now are....
-find myself so that I can take care of my family
-see a thearpist
-get back to work
-eat eat eat good foods that is
-go back to the gym
On a good note I did get the tubes out on Monday, so am feeling much better that way, cross your fingers for me! I have all of my shopping done thank GOD, and are all wrapped! Am hoping that just being with family over the holidays will be good therapy for me!
Andrea and Jesi u2 have a great time together today as I know you will!!!
Happy Holidays to all,
Janet S