Oh my gosh - Monday again!! Roll call and goals
Thanks for the good wishes and thoughts Andrea. I'd like to volunteer more. The health problems keep me in the house. The biggest problem is my asthma/COPD and the smells out there, perfumes, cleaning stuff, etc one whiff and I might as well call the rescue squad. And then the rhumatoid arthritis and my joints, I fall down more than the Three Stooges!!! (and drop things, and well you get the point lol) So that's how I started the hat thing, I feel good about it. My sister emailed me I was welcome there too, I just have to drive to Detroit. (that's all lol)
So thanks again and Merry Christmas to everybody!!! Nut
Hi All
Sorry I have been MIA again.This has been a horrible month so far. I will be glad when it is over. I have gone from babysitting just a few hours now and then to 40-50 hours a week. Jeff has only been home on the weekends and occasionally during the week because they are so busy. My 11 y/o nephew in MN had to have emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix. My older sister in this area had knee surgery today. My sister and her hubby in MN both have to work on and around Christmas so the boys (the 11 y/o from above and his 13 y/o brother) will be here for Christmas. I have to go up and get them some time this week.
One good thing, I did finally get 8 hours of sleep last night. First time in over 2 weeks I have had more than 4 hours a night. No wonder I am tired huh? LOL
Goals are to drink more water. I have been VERY bad about this lately. I want coffee since it has been cold. Try to stay awake when I need to and get to bed when I have a chance. And to remember the season and try not to kill anyone because I am grumpy! If you don't hear about me in the news, you will know I accomplished at least one of them! LOL
I have been wrapping gifts as they come in the door. Now if I can remember what I have and who they are for, I will be doing good.
Take care everyone and remember I do read the posts, I just don't usually have anything to say. (except to Sue...."now, would I do something like that???" *most innocent look*
I have BOTH my hands right here so they can't be IN anything!

Wow, Elizabeth, things keep on piling up on you. Keep up the great attitude and sense of humor when things get overwhelming! To help with your fluid intake, can you drink some decaff tea instead of coffee? I know that when I have that, I count it as fluids and it is nice and warm and comforting. I personally like the orange flavored stuff with a little splenda.
Drive carefully and hope that everyone heals fast from surgeries.
Have a good Christmas!
God bless,
Hi all & Merry White Christmas! Yep, it's snowing here in Waverly.
Last week I was told by the dietician to start eating more & apparently it is starting to work. I lost 2 lbs during the weekend as oppsosed to only 6 for the last 3 months. So, my goal this week is to continue eating more but only healthy foods. Drink lots although that isn't a problem usually and make sure I get to my water exercise classes. Hopefully snow won't prevent me from going.
I am all ready for Chrstmas except for a gift certificate at the grocery store for my MIL. I made some candy last night & of course had to sample it. I think I had a mini dump! Sugar normally doesn't bother me unless I overdo it but it did make me feel really icky last night. Yeah!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Hey girl - wonderful accomplishment with the 2 more pounds! What are you down to now? I keep hovering over that 190 mark and it is ticking me off! However, my trainer measured me a couple of weeks ago and I have lost like 2 1/2 inches off my waist, 2 1/2 inches off my butt, etc., etc. The only place that I gained inches was in my thigh (like a quarter of an inch) because of the workouts that I do. Other than that, I have lost a lot of inches because of toning up, (all since mid-August). I so want to get below 190, (only weighed below it one time and that wasn't on the "official" scales at the doctor's office). How is the evening eating going? I am trying to get it under control and have done well the past two nights since I nixed eating in the living room. I still stand and eat at the counter, however. The psychologist said that I need to not do anything else when eating. Often, I am packing my lunch, making coffee, packing supplements for the next day, etc when snacking. I also get up from the table a lot when eating dinner. She said that I should not be doing that because I am not focusing on the act of eating. I need to put some parameters on eating and that will help - according to her. New way of thinking for me. Who would have ever thought that it would be this much work still after a year?!?!?! Oh well, I am loving the results nonetheless!!
Now, stay away from those candies and have a wonderful Christmas!!
God bless,
My goal this week is to have a goal. Only 1.
Drink more water! I've been really really bad about drinking and exercise. So I'll start with the water. Next week we'll work on the exercise part.
Shopping is done. Wrapping is done. Finally finished my son's Hawkeye quilt. Only took me 5 years. (I bleed Cardinal and Gold) Haven't figured out how the Hawkeye thing happened. (Go Cyclones!)
Happy Holidays to everyone!
One goal is good - and much more attainable than what I always do!! LOL Remember, don't go anywhere without some water in hand. I even take bottles of water into Wal-Mart when I shop and they put little smiley stickers on them to show that it is mine.
I envy you with all your shopping done and things. Now, the quilt must feel like a great accomplishment, even if it is black and gold
Have a great Christmas!
God bless,

Hello everyone
doing good just cant wait till its over,lol got the shopping done and everything wrapped and got all the cookies made tomorrow nite we have the girls christmas programs now it just getting things ready for friday my goals this week are
less stressed
I hope everyone has a good christmas have a safe holiday
Hey - how is it going? So nice to hear that everyone but me has shopping done and things wrapped. How was the Christmas program? Hope that you get to the gym this week - I am finding it difficult to do. Besides that, I am not feeling well - have a sinus infection, I think. I am going to the doctor this afternoon and hope to hit the gym after that. Hope things don't get too stressful for you.
God bless,
I'm going easy on goals this week. I will try and not overeat too much at our family Christmas and stay away from the candy. I can eat a little... I have forgiven my exercise this week, and want to start a new regime after 1/1.
I have reached one of my goals -- get into my Eddie Bauer size 12 jeans by Christmas. I'm wearing them today!!!!
Hope you all have a blessed and Merry Christmas. Remember this is Merry Christmas -- not Happy Holidays. There is a reason for this season.