strange symptoms
My husband had WLS in July 2003. (I had mine two months later.) He is having weird things happen to him that I don't experience eventhough my blood work is still messed up..... Has anybody experienced this...
His thumbs are numb off and on. This will happen 2-3 times a day and lasts about 5-15 minutes before coming back. Also, periodically, he gets very shaky (hands, knees, legs, etc) and gets really hot and has to steady himself. This will come on really fast, last 10-20 minutes then gradually pass. He was outside when it hit today and its below zero out side and he got so shaky and hot that he soaked his shirt and had sweat pouring off his head and actually dripping off his face! Now the hot flash has passed and he's cold (probably the body self regulating). He hasn't had his blood work checked lately and will call the doctor to do that but I haven't experienced anything like this and haven't heard of others either. The doctor that did the WLS has moved to California and we are just seeing our regular family doctor for follow up. He isn't really up on all the after affects of the surgery so it would be nice to point him in the right direction if possible.
I know of your cousins but not very well. When they had their house up for sale, (before their son's death) we had looked at their house. Very nice house! I'm hoping he doesn't wait very long to make a dr appt but I'm equally nervous that the doctor won't do anything. He's (dr) is really not up on WLS and thought that the rechecks were just to monitor the weight loss. The doctor that did our surgery has moved to California but honestly, he wasn't good at doing follow ups either. After my surgery, I couldn't get in to see him until my husband (who thought I was dying) called and raised holy you know what to get me to see the doctor. All the follow ups were with the nurses who didn't report the facts back to the doctor. We really were not happy with the doctor that did our surgeries.

For lab work, he needs B12, Vit D, PTH, serum Calcium. If the calcium is low, it can cause all sorts of problems. I worked and lived in Rockwell City for 4 yrs back in 79-83. I worked at the clinic with Dr. Knouf and Dave McClain. Sherri Ellis was my maid of honor. I assume you guys had the doc out of Ft. Dodge? Dr. Sundberg in Boone is excellent. He's had the surgery done himself. Or Dr. Hardy in Ames.
maybe call different surgeon that has done these procedures. I heard of another person in lake city having this and he came down and talked to my surgeon to see what is going on. go have his blood levels checked and other stuff checked also. i get the shakes at times also. and to find out it was cuz i was low in my protein. dont know how it could be but it was. or you could have your reg dr. call the dr in boone or here in carroll i am sure they would be willing to help.....lynda
It really sounds like a complete blood workup is in order. According to the info sent for the support group facilitator training, Neurological symptoms accociated with various vitamin and mineral deficiencies include: Tetany--calcium/magnesium
Loss of reflexes--Thiamine
Loss of vibratory and position sense, ataxia--Vit B12
Dementia, disorientation--Niacin
Muscle wasting and weakness--Thiamine
***this is just a few, and I AM NOT a dr, just trying to help...
Also, here is a recommended list of blood tests for post RNY patients
Comprehensive metabolic profile (Nc, K, C1, CO2, Glu, BUN, Cr, Ca, TP, Alb, Tbili, AP, AST, ALT)
Lipid Profile
Uric Acid
B12 and Folate AND Homocysteine
Iron, TIBC, % Sat AND FERRITIN (very important)
Vit A & D (25-hydroxy)
Thyroid panel (T#U, T$, FTI, & TSH
Serum PTH, Intact
Thiamine B1
Magnesium RBC
also, yearly bone density scan.
Hope he gets some answers soon before any irreversible damage is done!
Good luck!
No, he hasn't found anything out yet. He went in last Friday and had blood work but the nut didn't know he had to schedule an appt with the doctor to get the results. lol I'm giving him until the end of the week to get in and find out the results then I'll make his appt for him! Thanks for all your replies.