been slow
It has been kinda quiet around here lately.......Probably cause my big mouth hasn't been on here.....I was so busy last week.....Hubby was in D.C/Baltimore on business all week......I am a girl scout leader and we had our meeting Monday and Christmas Caroling! That turned out being really fun, the girls all did GREAT!
Then I had appts, the dog had an appt, keeping the house together all bu myself, a couple playdates. Then Thursday was the whopper...My kids had their Christmas play at school, so lots of preparing for that, it really went well!
I also had to drive to Iowa City Thursday for my one year check-up! I am doing great, my labs were wonderful, I actually GAINED bone density, which doesn't happen to often.....My cholesterol has never been this good in my entire life....I am officially down 132lbs I am way past there goal....they had 182 as my goal and I am 162.......but she sees no reason why I can't go lower....she doesn't want me going below 130 but said I can easily get there! She also said I can cut back on my protein, now that I am a year out and at a much lower weight my body doesn't need more than 50 grams......she said I could have diet pop now, not all the time everyday or anything, but if I wanted one! I told her it was akward at holiday parties this year, all they offer is pop or alcohol, and I just would ge****er, she said have a diet pop if I want, even have some alcohol (all occasionally) It feels weird that I can be kinda normal again! My iron is finally good, no more anemia
But she still wants me to take an extra iron like everyother day~ also now she wants me to add a Bcomplex to my daily regiman along with the B12........Other than that all is great....I am so tired from a LONG week......glad hubby is home! But I have been cleaning and packing all to Charles City for the hubby has an urge to shoot a deer!! That means more shopping with my mom
I hope you all have a GREAT WEEKEND~try and stay warm, looks like it is going to get COLD!!! I will be on more next week~promise!

Have missed you Jesi
Far as big mouth well come on girl,
thought that was me! Isn't it crazy about how some weeks we are so busy we can't even meet ourselves coming & going then other weeks nothing going on?! It's quiet here for a few days then will pick up. Granddaughter's Xmas program is Tuesday night the kids are out early on Wednesday. Katie will be going to her dad's for Xmas vacation 

I need a break!!! It's going to be quiet around here for Xmas, my daughter-in-laws dad's health is going downhill fast so they are going there on the 24th spending the night & all day 25th, sounds like this will be his last one. Other son & significant other are going to her parents, her sis is coming home for the holidays & she hasn't been here in 3 yrs. Dad is in Florida, made it safely. So
I'm up for adoption again! Looking forward to my "vacation" without Katie, shame on me! She will be 13 next month & she has the tween attitude going right now! Let daddy deal with that for a few days, he'll straighten her bisquits out!!
If I don't talk to you before, Merry Christmas

Hi Jesi!!!
Sounds like things have been anything but slow for you LOL! I missed seeing you and Andrea at support. Andrea called me as I was getting ready to go and told me that neither of you would be there, I almost backed out myself, than I thought
you need this. And I'm glad I went, of course I'm so glad their weren't alot of cops out because I had to fly alittle faster lol to make it just a few minutes late. Dr. Christophersen was there doing a Q&A! Quite interesting, but probably nothing you haven't heard already. I met his next lap patient & her husband, going in on the 2nd of January. Nice couple!! I told her about this site and I have to email her, which I had forgotten about until just now.Well I hope to see you and Andrea at next meeting!!! Chat with you soon. My husband is deer hunting to day also!
Congratulations on such a wonderful one year check-up!!!! 

Heres to happier lighter days
Hugs, Debi

Glad to hear your 1 yr went well. It is strange when you realize you can actually eat a lot of different things now. I still have to think twice about certain foods and then remember that it's now okay to eat them. Hope your hubby gets a Bambi. The more the hunters get, the fewer there are to jump out in front of our cars!