Checking in - better days
Thanks to all who send encouraging posts and emails during my rough patch. Things are going better for me now. The hives are gone, I have found a protein supplement that I can tolerate, and except for one episode of nearly passing out after a warm shower and some pain meds, I have been upright and plugging right along.
Not to be indelicate, but I am now having a slight bathroom problem. My dr. office told me to take milk of magnesia according to the package directions until "something happens". I hope it happens soon!
I have also brought two meals back up today. I had tolerated deli shaved turkey very well, so I thought I would try some fresh turkey cutlets. Those went down well for supper, but the leftovers I tried for breakfast came right back up. I stuck with broth and string cheese for lunch and that stayed down. I tried more turkey for dinner and that came right back up. So maybe I've pushed it and should just stick with the deli meat for awhile.
I thought perhaps it might be from not being able to "go" - maybe I don't have anymore room for food.
One thing I wish is that we didn't have to know so much about what's going on inside our bodies... there's something to be said for a little mystery.

Morning Molly,
Maybe the cutlets are to heavy yet? Glad to hear the hives have left you nothing more miserable than those. Do you wrap the deli with cheese? Love mine that way. Not sure what to tell you about the BM's, I had just the opposite problem! Got to where I was afraid to leave home. Our bodies all react so differently, yep I agree about the mystery! Hope you get things on the move soon.
I am glad you are starting to feel a little better! TIP: Leftovers suck!!! I still puke on em-no matter how moist they may seem! Hot showers and pain pills will for sure cause a little blacking out, you poor thing
The thing with MOM......Take the FULL 4 TBSP, and make sure you drink at least 8oz of water afterwards or it doesn't work well!!! If I take it at night I don't go until the next morning! ALso try some regular coffee, it cleans me out EVERY morning, of course ask your surgeon first!!!! Also until your bowels get more regular maybe add a stool softner or two everyday for the first couple months, of course check with your surgeon first! But something like Colace or a generic will help, just make sure it is a softner and NOT a laxative, laxatives are okay occasionally, like needing the MOM, but not for daily usage!! Take Care and Good Luck

Hi Molly, sorry you're having such a rough time. I can really relate to the bathroom problem, but I have other health issue that are causing my problems. But I do agree, I know when I'm "full up" I will vomit food back up because there is no more room, so there's something to that. I agree with the other's suggestions, check with your doctor first. I hope you get some relief soon. Nut
Jesi is right about leftovers - they suck. I can't tell you how many times I've upchucked while trying to eat leftovers. Now I stick to chili or spaghetti sauce type leftovers. Any meat goes to the dog or my hubby.
If going #2 continues to be a problem, ask your doc for a prescription for Miralax or it's generic. It's a non-stimulant that makes you go by pulling water into the colon. I take it everyday. You mix it in your water. Has no taste or texture when mixed. I go everyday like clock work which is much improved from before surgery.
You've all been so encouraging, thank you very much. Things are much better. The MOM worked wonders and I've been feeling much better since. I've pretty much gone back to eggs and beans for my food - I think that even though these other foods are on the approved list for this stage of post-op, my pouch just isn't ready yet. Although deli turkey seems to agree with me, not much else does except the eggs and beans. Lordy am I sick of eggs and beans. The middle of this week I will try some fruits and veggies and perhaps some peanut butter. I hope those will be good because they sound so good to me.
At this point I find it hard to believe I will ever be eating like a normal person. God I sound like such a whiner right now! I'm really not... I am seeing some progress in my body so I know this has been a good thing. And this message board has been such a comfort. Glad you are all here.