December 23rd!
OMG I got moved up!!
My panniculectomy is now scheduled for December 23rd in Grinnell!
I know there is a number on the website for the hospital if anybody wants to call me on XMas, I will be there probably thru the 26th
I know my folks will be bringing down my son to see me that day, but it is a 2 1/2 hour drive each way..
anyhow.. hugs to you all, wish me luck!
happy holidays to everyone

Good luck i will be praying for you. Being in the hospital sucks during christmas. but honestly i dont remember much i was so out of it pretty much drugged up. by christmas day i had already had 3 of my four surgeries. they did one on christmas eves. So really i was drugged up last yr. So i am doing no medication or hospital on christmas this yr. But again good luck... lynda
Isn't that the best Christmas present you could ever get Judi? I wish you the best on your recovery and know that we all are thinking of you. It totally sucks to be in the hospital on Christmas but this surgery will definitely make all your sacrifices worth it. I will be thinking about you this holiday season, good luck and keep us all posted.
Lap RNY 10/26/04

You will breeze through this one! I'm still a little tight, but mostly where they fixed that honking hernia! Say hi to Delrae, Mary, Theresa, Julie, Ron and all the other great staff at Grinnell! Really, I had alot less pain and mobility problems with the RNY than with the panni. I still look pretty funny mysterious, though. They say give it 6 months for all the swelling to go away. Merry Christmas, and a skinny New Year to you!
Jeri H.